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1 May 16, 2007 06:54    

My b2evolution Version: 1.8.x

Hi, I'm trying to add the [url=]addthis button[/url] on our blog but I encountered some problems.

I added the code I got from their site just after the <div class="bSmallHead">. The code works fine if I click on it while I'm in the post's page itself eg. "index.php?blog=2&title=my_first_post". But if in the mainpage (index.php) where it shows all recent post, if I click on it, the URL and Title shows the index.php and title of the blog eg. "My Weblog" instead of the posts.

Here's what I've been trying to do:
I changed the location.href to <?php $Item->permanent_url() ?> and the document.title to <?php $Item->title(); ?>

<!-- AddThis Bookmark Button BEGIN -->
<a href="" onclick="''+encodeURIComponent([b]<?php $Item->permanent_url() ?>[/b])+'&title='+encodeURIComponent([b]<?php $Item->title(); ?>[/b]), 'addthis', 'scrollbars=yes,menubar=no,width=620,height=520,resizable=yes,toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,screenX=200,screenY=100,left=200,top=100'); return false;" title="Bookmark using any bookmark manager!" target="_blank"><img src="" width="125" height="16" border="0" alt="AddThis Social Bookmark Button" /></a>
<!-- AddThis Bookmark Button END -->

Is there anyway to get the post's title and URL without using the $Item -> ?? Any help would be great! Thanks!

2 May 18, 2007 19:32

Could you post a link to your blog so I can see exactly what is being generated by that code?

4 May 21, 2007 05:17

I'm just seeing a 404 Not Found error for both of those links.

5 May 21, 2007 06:14

hmm that's weird coz I can open it just fine...

may I ask how I can get the blog title??
coz this doesn't work:
blog url: <?php $Item->permanent_url() ?>
blog title: <?php $Item->title(); ?>

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