2 spuyt12 Mar 06, 2008 13:36

I typed in the above "Repair Table" and here is what I got:
Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
kartinge_b2.evo_sessions repair Error Table './kartinge_b2/evo_sessions' is marked as cr...
kartinge_b2.evo_sessions repair Error Table 'evo_sessions' is marked as crashed and shou...
kartinge_b2.evo_sessions repair status Table is already up to date
But when I go back to my site, I still get the message:
MySQL error!
Table './kartinge_b2/evo_sessions' is marked as crashed and should be repaired(Errno=145)
Your query:
INSERT INTO evo_sessions( sess_key, sess_lastseen, sess_ipaddress )
'2009-05-01 18:22:59',
Use phpmyadmin and EMPTY the table. You will have to log in again but so what because it might fix the issue, depending on exactly what is bonked with the table.
Do you have a database backup from before this error happened? If so you can also work at getting out ONLY the sessions table and replacing your broken one with a known good one from the past. THEN empty the table and log in again.
By the way I'm going to move this to support. It is not a b2evolution software bug so this thread never should have been in the bug reports area.
Thanks for moving it to the appropriate spot. I did a search and this thread popped up so I did not want to start a new thread for the same problem.
Ok, back to the problem. I can no EMPTY the table, the "EMPTY" tab is not available as a link. So does that mean the table is completly wiped out?
I am searching for a backup, I know I backed it up, just not sure where I stored it at. You know, they are never important.... until you ACTUALLY need it.
Thanks for the help.
Can you DROP the table? That'll make it go away completely meaning a backup will be a cool thing, BUT, you could actually just create it anew because the installer has all the info you need to create the table from scratch. Do you still have local copies of your /install/ folder? If not you can get it by downloading your version again and poking through the code for how it makes the sessions table.
If you are using v2.4.6 then the actual code for the installer to make the sessions table is this:
echo 'Creating table for active sessions... ';
$DB->query( "CREATE TABLE T_sessions (
sess_key CHAR(32) NULL,
sess_lastseen DATETIME NOT NULL,
sess_ipaddress VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
sess_user_ID INT(10) DEFAULT NULL,
)" );
echo "OK.<br />\n";
That isn't what you would use in phpmyadmin though, but it does sort of show you HOW that table should be structured. Perhaps that is enough of a clue for you to manually repair the table? If not we'll find some other way to get 'er done.
Log in to your mysql and enter
REPAIR TABLE `evo_sessions`;
You could also do this using phpMyAdmin.