2 yabba Jun 01, 2007 12:21

And what you changed in the file! Didja get all 7 values?
I tried the automatic update of the file and then as it was unsuccessful, went in as it said and removed all the information and replaced it with the script the install page had made for me.
What do you think I am missing?
If you had set permissions on that file to 666 and it didn't update via the installer then you have a problem. If you manually edited the file CORRECTLY and it still doesn't run then you have a problem. Generically stating that you did what was expected isn't going to solve the problem because obviously something's not right.
EXACTLY what did you change in conf/_basic_config.php? There are a maximum of 7 variables - 6 for most installations - that need to be set for your installation.
Below is the output from the the page I am stuck at.
I manually changed the page after changing the permissions did not work as it asked but it still will not work.
Config file update
We cannot automatically update your config file [/home/blog245/public_html/b/blogs/conf/_basic_config.php]!
There are two ways to deal with this:
You can allow the installer to update the config file by changing its permissions:
chmod 666 /home/blog245/public_html/b/blogs/conf/_basic_config.php. If needed, see the online manual about permissions.
Come back to this page and refresh/reload.
Alternatively, you can update the config file manually:
Open the _basic_config.php file locally with a text editor.
Delete all contents!
Copy the contents from the box below.
Paste them into your local text editor. ATTENTION: make sure there is ABSOLUTELY NO WHITESPACE after the final ?> in the file. Any space, tab, newline or blank line at the end of the conf file may prevent cookies from being set when you try to log in later.
Save the new _basic_config.php file locally.
Upload the file to your server, into the /_conf folder.
Call the installer from scratch.
This is how your _basic_config.php should look like:
* This is b2evolution's basic config file.
* You need to edit this file to your settings before attempting to install the database!
* Last significant changes to this file: version 1.6
* Reminder: every line starting with # or // is a comment, multiline comments are
* surrounded by '/*' and '* /' (without space).
* IMPORTANT: Take special care not to erase quotes (') around text parameters
* and semicolums (;) at the end of the lines. Otherwise you'll get some
* "unexpected T_STRING" parse errors!
* Contributors: you should override this file by creating a file named _config_TEST.php
* (see end of this file).
* @package conf
if( !defined('EVO_CONFIG_LOADED') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );
* Maintenance mode. Set this to 1 in order to temporarily disable access to the application.
* Note: it is still possible to access the install script during maintenance mode.
$maintenance_mode = 0;
// Below is an alternative hardcore version of maintenance mode.
// This one will bloc the install script too.
// Remove /* and */ to activate.
header('HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable');
echo '<h1>503 Service Unavailable</h1>';
die( 'The site is temporarily down for maintenance.' );
* MySQL DB settings.
* Fill in your database details (check carefully or nothing will work!)
$db_config = array(
'user' => 'blog245_Bum245', // your MySQL username
'password' => 'Password', // ...and password
'name' => 'blog245_bvlt1', // the name of the database
'host' => 'localhost', // MySQL Server (typically 'localhost')
* the tables prefix (gets placed before each b2evo table name),
* use this to have multiple installations in one DB.
* @global string $tableprefix
$tableprefix = 'blog245_';
* If you want to be able to reset your existing b2evolution tables and start anew
* you must set $allow_evodb_reset to 1.
$allow_evodb_reset = 0; // Set to 1 to enable. Do not leave this on 1 on production servers
* $baseurl is where your blogs reside by default. CHECK THIS CAREFULLY or nothing will work.
* It should be set to the URL where you can find the blog templates and/or the blog stub files,
* that means index.php, blog_b.php, etc.
* Note: Blogs can be in subdirectories of the baseurl. However, no blog should be outside
* of there, or some tricky things may fail (e-g: pingback)
* IMPORTANT: If you want to test b2evolution on your local machine, do NOT use that machine's
* name in the $baseurl!
* For example, if you machine is called HOMER, do not use http://homer/b2evolution/blogs/ !
* Use http://localhost/b2evolution/blogs/ instead. And log in on localhost too, not homer!
* If you don't, login cookies will not hold.
* @global string $baseurl
$baseurl = 'http://www.minthillblog.com/b/blogs/';
* Your email. Will be used in severe error messages so that users can contact you.
* You will also receive notifications for new user registrations there.
$admin_email = 'postmaster@minthillblog.com';
* Once you have edited this file to your settings, set the following to 1 (one):
$config_is_done = 1;
# IMPORTANT: you will find more parameters in the other files of the /conf folder.
# It is however strongly recommended you browse through these files as soon as you've
# got your basic installation working. They'll let you customize a lot of things!
I put the code into the "code" button to make it easier on the eyes.
One thing: is your password in your file actually "Password", or is that what the screen had? Or did you edit it to say that before posting? I'm not familiar with using the web to alter that file is why I ask. I'm thinking b2evolution doesn't put your password on the screen, and might not tell you it hid your password.
If you have your real password in the file then we have to look elsewhere. Like is it the right information, or is your host not allowing you to connect to a database.
I did change the password to password before I posted it to this site.
I have always been told to never give out a password.
Otherwise it an exact copy of the page I am stuck at.
I have access to my SQL's and can set them up as well as users.
I can also change my permissions on my folders to 666 or what ever else I would like.
Thanks and I never saw that code button before, it does make it easier to read.
How about a simple test to make sure you're hooking up correctly? Save this as whatever.php, upload it, and run it. As you can see it won't do anything - unless there is a problem connecting.
// put your information here
$b2evo_user = 'asdfghjk';
$b2evo_password = 'asdfghjk';
$b2evo_name = 'asdfghjk';
$b2evo_host = 'localhost';
// connect to the b2evolution database
$b2evolink = @mysql_connect("$b2evo_host", "$b2evo_user", "$b2evo_password") or die( 'Could not connect to database: '.mysql_error() );
@mysql_select_db($b2evo_user) or die( 'Could not select database: '.mysql_error() );
Are you sure that you've uploaded /conf/_basic.config to <whatever your public_html folder is called>/b/blogs/conf/, because the installer is still seeing the default settings.
That file is also writeable by the installer, if you look in it now you should see all your details except your password, I entered them for you to test it ;)
I thought you wanted me to take the code from above and replace what was on the server with it.
When it did not work I re-read you instructions and saw you had done everything for me except for changing the password.
Could you do do it again and I will make sure I do not mess it up.
I checked and the file is under the public html and then under the conf folder for the blogs.
Thanks again.
Done ;)
A link to your blog would be useful ;)