2 yabba Jun 08, 2007 11:04

My b2evolution Version: 1.9.x
G'day everyone
My wife had starting using b2e by editing some of the pages, and then we wanted to create a simple URL for visitors. Now here's my setup:
The initial page (the one with the admin link at the bottom of the page) was gesin.ijlant.com. I noticed that the admin login page was gesin.ijlant.com/admin.php, so I figured I could just use gesin.ijlant.com as the blog URL itself. So I changed it to that. Well, now we have this problem:
If I visit gesin.ijlant.com/admin.php, I get a login page, but when I log in, b2e redirects to ijlant.com/admin.php (which doesn't exist), and gives me a 404. So, I'm effectively locked out of the admin module.
I have no idea how this happened. I didn't change the admin URL.
Any suggestions for other blog software that won't do this?
Crack open conf/_basic.config.php and change your $baseurl from http://ijlant.com/gesin/ to http://gesin.ijlant.com/ ;)