2 daethian2 Jun 15, 2007 22:29

Generally speaking if no one answers it's because no one has the answer. Makes sense?
AFAIK it is not an option to turn that detail off. What you could do is search the web for "agent ransack" and use it to search your b2evolution files for "nofollow", then edit whichever file(s) make that detail happen in the various places it gets used. You would then be b2evolution's nofollow expert :)
I think I have achieved this by doing this:
in the backoffice click app settings
go tp plugins
click to edit the basic antispam plugin
Look for "Apply rel="nofollow"
Change the value to 0 for never, as a default it is set to -1 which is always.
Hope this helps.
Gerri you rock!!! Thanks for sharing what you've learned. I, obviously, need to answer the clue phone...
Gerri wrote:
I think I have achieved this by doing this:
in the backoffice click app settings
go tp plugins
click to edit the basic antispam plugin
Look for "Apply rel="nofollow"
Change the value to 0 for never, as a default it is set to -1 which is always.Hope this helps.
THANKS!!! I will give it a try xoxox
Ed I was mostly bumping in case someone like Gerri hadn't seen the post when it was 'fresh' ;)
Oops. The reply I just typed somehow disappeared. So here goes again...
:)) I am SO glad I could help and thanks for the bump because I hadn't seen it yet.
EdB - I'm such a novice! If I rock, you DEFINITELY rock and roll buddy! I learn so much from your posts here... I'm going to be stalking your posts until.. well for forever. Thanks for always helping.
37 views and no one has an answer? :(