2 john Aug 22, 2007 09:54

Oh yeah, wow, I forgot all about this thread. I got rid of that block a long time ago but the file you referenced is not the right one. You want to look inside /inc/_vars.inc.php for a long array block at approx line ~176. It starts with
$credit_links = array_merge(
Remove that whole block and replace it with
$credit_links = array(
array( 'http://b2evolution.net/', 'b2evolution' ),
Ok, thanks for the tip. :)
Reading the above, I was able to remove the links to web hosting and "money" from the footer credits, but viewing the page after changing the _var.inc.php produced this at the top of the page:
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/ancestry/public_html/theholidaygiftsplace.com/inc/_vars.inc.php:1) in /home/ancestry/public_html/theholidaygiftsplace.com/inc/MODEL/skins/_skin.funcs.php on line 71
What do you suppose is causing this?
My cursor kept jumping in the attempt to paste the info in the post above, and when I re-opened the file, the cursor appears in the "get skin" part, so I'm sure that I screwed something up there, but have no idea how to fix it.
Open the file again and check very thouroughly for any whitespace (space, line feed) *before* the first <?php or *after* the closing ?>.
Since whitespace is hard to detect, you may want to start anew with a fresh copy of the file. Use a plain text editor like Notepad++ or Crimson Editor or Notepad and no html editor or Word.
Good luck
Oh, gawd, thanks for your prompt reply; I will do just that!
All is well!
I have learned something that I will not forget:
Do your file editing in NotePad on your desktop, THEN upload the edited file!
No cursor hops; no problem.
Thanks again. I was, of course, in a huge panic.
sunstone1 wrote:
Thanks again. I was, of course, in a huge panic.
Only for 20 minutes :lol:
Happy blogging
Hi jibberjab
The bloody thing has moved to conf/_application.php
This has to be the most convoluted "credit" set up in the world and if you know how I get rid of "web hosting" and "monitize" I would really appreciate it:)