2 blackcalvinist Jun 20, 2007 04:50

My b2evolution Version: 1.9.3
Somehow, I'm thinking spammers are responsible for this, but my hitlog is malfunctioning in my database.
MySQL 3.2.3x
PHP 4.33
b2evo 1.93.
Located at http://blog.theologicallycorrect.com
One you hit the page, scroll to the bottom and you'll see the error message.
I attempted to upgrade to 1.10.2 earlier today, but kept getting error messages (including something about I have <<9340>> we need <<9350>>). I'm sorry for the lack of technical language, but my eyes hurt and I'm TIRED.
So I downgraded back to 1.9.3 because at least it works, but I can't delete by keyword and......*sigh* I'm just tired.
I'm still a novice to phpMyAdmin, but when I export my whole database, what format do I need to save it in ?
Oh, and when I try to view/browse that particular table in phpMyAdmin, it tells me it's *in use*.
Any and all help appreciated. I'm exhausted and frustrated and tired. I'm going to sleep for a few.
Never mind. :) Problem fixed. I found the optimize and repair table selections in phpMyAdmin partially thanks to some other posts on this site.
So you guys have been helpful. :)