2 afwas Jul 25, 2007 22:53

In all my installations I put an empty index.html file in each folder people shouldn't be in. Browsers will automagically show that page to anyone trying to poke around my folders. Works without issue and has no negative ramifications that I am aware of.
As to using media as a stub name: go for it. The path to a link and something in your media folder are quite different. Media folder is an actual path, where posts simply create the illusion of folders.
No issues.
Changing the name for the media folder isn't going to help: they are searching for open dir's and find the media forder anyway. It's like a search for "parent directory".
Nice idea of the .htaccess excluding php. If I am correct something like this is planned for version 2.0 (but mayby some other technique, I do this from memory).
Have fun