2 cslepage Jul 31, 2007 02:41

Oddly, the reverse happened to me. Loaded fine in ie7 ... then kicked off ie6 and got a "not responding" message after minutes of waiting for content to load. Killed tha process ... then reloaded in ie6 and all seems to be fine?
Hope this info helps.
I just added #4 to my list of ideas... do you see anything odd in the skin that could be causing the problem?
Your main page is large. That shouldn't be a problem, but a time out can occur in slow connections.
If your host complains about slow php it is probably slow in connection to it's servers and it's his servers that are slow. But I can't see the php that you are using from here. A huge database search can slow things up, but that's not what I am seeing.
In FF your page loads fine through a not too fast DSL connection.
What I suggest you is click the "Validate XHTML" link at the bottom of your site and fix the 47 errors. I think your IE problem lies there.
Good luck
nope. its not the validation errors.
If you grab the source of the page and load that into your browser -- it loads quite quickly.
It actually turned out to be a javascript error due to this:
Once I removed that script, the page loaded and reloaded in IE just fine.
Thank you to everyone for taking a look at my site and offering suggestions!
Glad you got it sorted and thanks for letting us know what it was.
You are welcome. And thank you to Afwas for pointing out the XHTML errors, I'm working on them now and have them under 30.
interesting -- it loaded pretty quick for me when I grabbed it.. ah well, glad you got it working :)
Me too! Not having the site load correctly in IE can be a very bad thing.
The "home page" is now down to one error, a "noscript" issue. Now I need to get the other skins corrected as well.
cslepage wrote:
Me too! Not having the site load correctly in IE can be a very bad thing.
The "home page" is now down to one error, a "noscript" issue. Now I need to get the other skins corrected as well.
Place the <noscript> ... </noscript> after the </h3> tag.
This may help:
1) The "freezing" occurs when IE is trying to load the site; nothing comes up at all; at the bottom of IE it says "waiting for comiclist.com."
2) Firefox and Opera do not have a problem loading the site.
3) Back on July 16th, this comment was left on my site: "Just wanted to know if something has changed on your side - when I try to access the weekly updated comic list, the php script hangs and pegs out my IE process. This has been going on a for a few weeks. I thought maybe I'm the only one having trouble, but it's happened on a couple of different PCs besides mine. Very weird."
4) If I delete the temporary internet files in IE on my home computer, I can then load comiclist.com without any issues, at least once.
5) I think it has something to do with something unique to the Stockholm skin I use, because if I change the default skin, the page reloads in IE. However, I can't figure what I did to the skin to cause the problem.