2 afwas Aug 01, 2007 16:22

thanks for your answer.
I've verified that i've posted the posts in the "Blog A" section, and i've verified that each posts is in the category "news". In fact i'm seeing under the category "News" in the right sidebar the amount of postings as you have wrote. But the whole posting content is still showing in the sidebar.
I have even deleted the "Linkblog" blog section (because i dont need this anyway). Still the same...
guess there is somewhere a setting which i've made in the backend.
aargh...thank you just found the setting:
it was a setting under the "Blogs" -> "View" Settings. I have switch the "Linkblog / Blogroll" setting for "blog a" to the value "none" instead of the value "Blog a"....
My guess is you posted in 'Linkblog'. What you should do is post in Blog A, set category to 'News' (for test purposes, once you get rolling, do whatever you want) and now a (1) appears after 'News' in the sidebar.
This shows there is a post. Click 'News' and you wil be linked through to the new post.
The 'Linkblog' is a special blog. There you don't make posts, but add links to external sites. They then appear in the sidebar.
Just keep experimenting and you will grasp the idea eventually.
Good luck