2 yabba Aug 03, 2007 18:44

I believe this is genuine. It makes us getting payed for answering questions.
ƒ aka Afwas preferred aka Afwas
Please accept my apology for not being specific in my earlier post. You may like to visit,
*a web site*
to see a demo of CK-ERP operating within a b2evolution admin environment.
However, if you are not convinced, feel free to delete the post.
Best Regards,
No worries, just me having a paranoid moment ;)
Hehehe, I love all the newb hackers posting "hacked by xxx" into your blog. Also the demo is running b2evo 1.8.6....
Hi, folks,
I have posted a new release, v.0.24.1, of CK-ERP, at SourceForge.Net, *a web site* .
New features include,
a connector for LegalCase and updated connectors for ClearHealth, OpenEMR and osCommerce,
facilities to convert sales order to purchase order and/or material/service requisition so as to procure the required material/service after a sale is concluded,
addition of a sample law office chart of accounts and a sample medical practice chart of accounts,
addition of Australian GST tax rate and updating of Canadian GST tax rate,
addition of narrow/wide display option for the various case handling screens,
addition of customer, vendor, employee contact lists, and,
addition of German translation for the Quotation module.
Special thank is due to David Epperson of Dallas for permission to make use of the "Law Firm Chart of Accounts" (located at *a web site*) while generating the sample law office chart of accounts. The effort by Stefan Kemper of Switzerland in producing the new German translations is also gratefully acknowledged.
[Please note that the sample medical practice chart of accounts is designed for countries/regions where medical doctors are allowed to dispense prescription drugs within their medical practices. If the relevant medical practice is operating within a jurisdiction where doctors are prohibited from dispensing drugs, then it may be a prudent measure to delete all the drug sale, COGS – drugs, inventory – drugs and related accounts to avoid a presumption that in-practice drug sale had been planned.]
CK-ERP is an open source accounting/MRP/ERP/CRM system that runs on top of multiple middlewares. It comprises 22 modules - Administration, i18n, Contact Management, Customer Relationship, Customer Self Service, Vendor Relationship, Ledger, Bank Reconciliation, MRP, Warehouse, Inventory, Service, AP, AR, PO, SO, Quotation, POS for Cashier, POS for Manager, HR, Staff Self Service and Payroll. It provides accounting and back office functionalities to SMEs and utilizes the underlying middleware to administer accounts/groups. Please report error and suggestion to the discussion group / mailing list, CK-ERP-en(at)googlegroups.com or CK-ERP-zh_CN(at)googlegroups.com . General history and expected development is available at the discussion group's Archive.
Supported MiddleWares: LegalCase, MirrorMed, ClearHealth, OpenEMR, eGroupWare, Horde-GroupWare; Zencart, CRELoaded, osCMax, osCommerce; Drupal, Joomla, Mambo, e107, XOOPS, Xaraya; Moodle, Atutor; vTiger, XRMS; WordPress, b2evolution; TikiWiki; phpBB.
Information/Demo Websites:
*a web site*
*a web site*
*a web site*
Download is available from,
*a web site*
Wu Chiu Kay, aka CK Wu, aka CK (CK is the preferred alias)
Hong Kong
Hi, folks,
I have posted a new release, v.0.25.1, of CK-ERP, at SourceForge.Net, *a web site* .
New features include,
five new templates,
fy2t – for use by factory-like businesses operating within a dual (Canadian) tax environment
fy1t – for use by factory-like businesses operating within a single (Australian) tax environment
so2t – for use by service organizations operating within a dual (Canadian) tax environment
so1t – for use by service organizations operating within a single (Australian) tax environment
simp – for use by small simplistic businesses operating within a single (Australian) tax environment
a connector for IRM (Information Resource Manager),
a sample chart of accounts for use by internet based businesses,
addition of ZhongGuo VAT tax rate.
CK-ERP is an open source accounting/MRP/ERP/CRM system that runs on top of multiple middlewares. It comprises 22 modules - Administration, i18n, Contact Management, Customer Relationship, Customer Self Service, Vendor Relationship, Ledger, Bank Reconciliation, MRP, Warehouse, Inventory, Service, AP, AR, PO, SO, Quotation, POS for Cashier, POS for Manager, HR, Staff Self Service and Payroll. It provides accounting and back office functionalities to SMEs and utilizes the underlying middleware to administer accounts/groups. Please report error and suggestion to the discussion group / mailing list, CK-ERP-en(at)googlegroups.com or CK-ERP-zh_CN(at)googlegroups.com . General history and expected development is available at the discussion group's Archive.
Supported MiddleWares: IRM, LegalCase, MirrorMed, ClearHealth, OpenEMR, eGroupWare, Horde-GroupWare; Zencart, CRELoaded, osCMax, osCommerce; Drupal, Joomla, Mambo, e107, XOOPS, Xaraya; Moodle, Atutor; vTiger, XRMS; WordPress, b2evolution; TikiWiki; phpBB.
Information/Demo Websites:
*a web site*
*a web site*
*a web site*
Wu Chiu Kay, aka CK Wu, aka CK (CK is the preferred alias)
Hong Kong
Hi, folks,
I have posted a new release, v.0.26.1, of CK-ERP, at SourceForge.Net, *a web site* .
New features include,
connector for FreeRealty
connector for LandShop
connector for OpenAds
connector for FreightFleetManagementSystem
connector for PHPJB
connector for MyHandyRestaurant
connector for phpMySport
enhanced contact lists
enhanced user interface
Special thank is due to Vidar Vestnes of phpmyborder.com for producing an excellent screen bordering script.
CK-ERP is an open source accounting/MRP/ERP/CRM system that runs on top of multiple middlewares. It comprises 22 modules - Administration, i18n, Contact Management, Customer Relationship, Customer Self Service, Vendor Relationship, Ledger, Bank Reconciliation, MRP, Warehouse, Inventory, Service, AP, AR, PO, SO, Quotation, POS for Cashier, POS for Manager, HR, Staff Self Service and Payroll. It provides accounting and back office functionalities to SMEs and utilizes the underlying middleware to administer accounts/groups. Please report error and suggestion to the discussion group / mailing list, CK-ERP-en(at)googlegroups.com or CK-ERP-zh_CN(at)googlegroups.com . General history and expected development is available at the discussion group's Archive.
Supported MiddleWares: phpMySport; MyHandyRestaurant; PHPJB; FreightFleetManagementSystem; OpenAds, LandShop, FreeRealty; IRM; LegalCase; MirrorMed, ClearHealth, OpenEMR; eGroupWare, Horde-GroupWare; Zencart, CRELoaded, osCMax, osCommerce; Drupal, Joomla, Mambo, e107, XOOPS, Xaraya; Moodle, Atutor; vTiger, XRMS; WordPress, b2evolution; TikiWiki; phpBB.
Information/Demo Websites:
*a web site*
*a web site*
*a web site*
Download is available from,
*a web site*
Wu Chiu Kay, aka CK Wu, aka CK (CK is the preferred alias)
Hong Kong
I'm going to move this to the "chat" forum because it is simply not a b2evolution plugin. Near as I can tell it is a completely separate application that can work with or without b2evolution yah?
Hi, folks,
I have posted a new release, v.0.27.1, of CK-ERP, at SourceForge.Net, *a web site* .
New features include,
connector for AssetMan
connector for Coppermine
connector for Gallery2
connector for phpMyTicket
enhanced navigation bar
CK-ERP is an open source accounting/MRP/ERP/CRM system that runs on top of multiple middlewares. It comprises 22 modules - Administration, i18n, Contact Management, Customer Relationship, Customer Self Service, Vendor Relationship, Ledger, Bank Reconciliation, MRP, Warehouse, Inventory, Service, AP, AR, PO, SO, Quotation, POS for Cashier, POS for Manager, HR, Staff Self Service and Payroll. It provides accounting and back office functionalities to SMEs and utilizes the underlying middleware to administer accounts/groups. Please report error and suggestion to the discussion group / mailing list, CK-ERP-en(at)googlegroups.com or CK-ERP-zh_CN(at)googlegroups.com . General history and expected development is available at the discussion group's Archive.
Supported MiddleWares: AssetMan; Coppermine, Gallery2; phpMyTicket; phpMySport; MyHandyRestaurant; PHPJB; FreightFleetManagementSystem; OpenX, LandShop, FreeRealty; IRM; LegalCase; MirrorMed, ClearHealth, OpenEMR; eGroupWare, Horde-GroupWare; Zencart, CRELoaded, osCMax, osCommerce; Drupal, Joomla, Mambo, e107, XOOPS, Xaraya; Moodle, Atutor; vTiger, XRMS; WordPress, b2evolution; TikiWiki; phpBB.
Information/Demo Websites:
*a web site*
*a web site*
*a web site*
Download is available from,
*a web site*
Wu Chiu Kay, aka CK Wu, aka CK (CK is the preferred alias)
Hong Kong
Merged the latest one
Okay this is total crap. I just got done merging all of this into a heaping plateful of ... that wonderful meat-like product. ckwu this forum exists for the benefit of b2evolution users. I have no freakin clue what your thing does, but dammit I can figure out it doesn't benefit b2evolution users!
Now I start editing >:-<
:) idk what the f is going on here.. i just had a look at the mentioned [extn] or whatever it is, looks odd, as edb said, i couldnt figure out what it has to do with b2evo , anyhow, maybe he did not mean to spam as it is obvious spam is not tolerated and this forum is totally crap-free -and there are lots of better place to promote your crap using spam-...
tilqicom wrote:
... this forum is totally crap-free...
er... does that mean I'm not allowed here anymore :(
What total crap this is. It *looks* like a post until you line up half a dozen of them. Copy/Paste with a few vars changed is all. SPAM!
ckwu Because I'm such a tolerant - no, make that: I'm such a VERY FREAKIN TOLERANT bastard I'll be more than happy to let you restore your linkage if you can explain to me exactly what the hell your product does and (here's the tricky part) why EVERY page I clicked on over there wanted me to send money to support whatever it is you're doing.
I resume editing in ... I dunno ... an hour.
EdB wrote:
I'm such a VERY FREAKIN TOLERANT bastard
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Hi, EdB, tilqicom,
Thank you for being tolerant and I apology for the confusion that had been caused.
CK-ERP is a set of modules that provides (among others) accounting functions to the end users. When it operates within a b2evolution environment, it allow the blog operator to account for his/her adsense/ypn/... advertising income and to book expenses, like webhosting costs, domain registration fee, etc. Thus, the blog operator is able to manage his/her financial records (ie, full set of books) all within the familiar b2evolution admin environment.
The online donation pledge at ck-erp.org is put there, so hopefully I could recoup some of the cost of setting up the online demos, one of which is demonstrating a functional (b2evolution 2.4.1 + CK-ERP 0.27.1) environment.. CK-ERP, itself, is published under GPL and is free for download and use by any b2evolution user.
To avoid any further confusion, I'll stop further posting to the b2evolution.net forum, and sorry for the confusion caused so far.
Best Regards,
Thank you ckwu. I now have a better understanding of what your thing does, and shall restore the links in the first post in this combined thread.
By the way simply replying to your own post with an "updated with ... features" comment will let people know your product is updated, rather than reposting the same thing again. The second behavior looks/looked very suspicious to me...
(good thing I fell asleep last night before fully expressing my "tolerance" eh?)
why do I have the feeling that this is spam?
how about I give you a week to change my mind?
¥, aka ¥åßßå, aka ...urm, bugger, I ran out of a's :roll: ( anything except "yo bitch" is the preferred alias, but I'll answer to anything ;) )