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1 Aug 06, 2007 11:18    

I get the following error:

Bad Request!

The parameters of your request are invalid.

If you have obtained this error by clicking on a link INSIDE of this site, please report the bad link to the administrator.

Go back to home page
Additional information about this error:
Illegal value received for parameter «w»!

using b2evolution 1.9.3

it happens when i reload the main page or want to read post.
but when i close browser and load the blog again this bug disappears.
Try to reload again...illegal parameter w

any idea?

2 Aug 06, 2007 11:27

This is not a b2evo bug ( hence why I moved it ), it's caused by one of the scripts on your page that adds a cookie, you can test this by disabling javascript and clearing your cookies and you won't have any problems.

A good starting point is this piece of javascript :

<script type="text/javascript">
document.cookie="w=w; path";
var altastat_c="N";


3 Aug 06, 2007 16:25

Thanks! I had the same problem. All of a sudden I no longer could visit my blog via Firefox. I had to use Opera or Safari. I've deleted the cookies and now everything is okay again.

Is there a possibility to prevent these errors? Why do they happen? What are the consequences of removing the code in your reply, ¥åßßå?

4 Aug 07, 2007 11:02

Hi Nomad,
The problem in this case is that a third party javascript on the page is setting a cookie which is conflicting with one of b2evo's variables.

The only solution is to remove the script or rename the cookie variables it uses


5 Aug 07, 2007 11:11

It might be the statistic script? that's the only javascript. I've used it for over a year now and this problem has never occured before upgrading from 0.91. to Florida

This is the code

<script type="text/javascript">

var aufloesung = '';
var farbtiefe = '';
var referer = '';
var pfad = '';
var java = '';
var plugins;
var cookies;
var rnd = Math.random()*99999;
var innen_aufloesung;

if(self.innerHeight){// all except Explorer
innen_aufloesung = self.innerWidth + "x" + self.innerHeight;
else if(document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight){ // Explorer 6 Strict Mode
innen_aufloesung = document.documentElement.clientWidth + "x" + document.documentElement.clientHeight;
else if(document.body){ // other Explorers
innen_aufloesung = document.body.clientWidth + "x" + document.body.clientHeight;

aufloesung = screen.width+'x'+screen.height;
referer = "" + escape(top.document.referrer);
farbtiefe = screen.colorDepth;
pfad = escape(location.href);
java = navigator.javaEnabled();
cookies = navigator.cookieEnabled;
plugins = plugins + "|" + navigator.plugins[i].name;

var jetzt = new Date();
var Unterschied = jetzt.getTimezoneOffset() / 60;

document.write("<img height=0 width=0 src='" + aufloesung + "&innen_aufloesung=" + innen_aufloesung + "&referer=" + referer + "&farbtiefe=" + farbtiefe + "&js=yes&java=" + java + "&plugins=" + plugins + "&cookies=" + cookies + "&zzone=" + Unterschied + "&pfad=" + pfad + "&rnd=" + rnd + "'>");

6 Aug 07, 2007 13:14

I think the counter is [url=]stwc-counter[/url]. I could only retrieve the latest version, probably not yours.

The w does exist in B2evo as $w for week (probably week number). The good news is, I couldn't find a w for cookie in the latest version of stwc, so you probably solve your conflict if you update your counter.

Good luck

7 Aug 07, 2007 13:18

My error message was a bit different, the illegal character was related to users. And it just occured once with Firefox, no I don't have any problems more.

Yes you're right it's the Stwc-counter. I use version 3.4

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