2 austriaco Aug 10, 2007 01:07

MySQL error!
Error establishing a database connection!
(Access denied for user 'gordon'@'localhost' (using password: YES))
Sorry. As I have never used SQL to set up a data base but I think I have followed all the instructions as per the instructions
Well, in that case you have to be sure that the username/password with which you created the database are the same you're giving to the install script.
BTW, why do you nam your database "gallery2"? Just curious. Are you by any chance using the same database for Gallery2 and B2evolution?
First thanks for helping me. I am now a bit confused.
The tuturial I used just said to give the data base a name.
I choose gallery2 because I have no other data base by that name and gallery is an easy name to remember.
The b2 upload is in a file named blogs (that was the only part of the download that I was told to upload) I could of course renamed it to b2 evolution.
Does the SQL data name have to be the name of the folder I have uploaded
No, I just thought you could be using the same database for different applications.
Did you create the user "gordon" and granted it access privileges to the database? You say you created the DB, but didn't say whether you created the user.
Hi again :(
yes I granted all privalages. The answer is there somewhere staring me in the face but cannot see it. Below is a fantastico data base plus my latest for blogs. I see a great difference in the fantastico one in that the user is totally different (with the user name and password not showing. In mine it actually shows the user and data base (the user being Gordon)
Maybe fantastico set it up a different way and just post me the user word and pass word in an email. Any way i shall sleep on it and try again tomorrow. Unless you can see an obvious mistake I am making then it is try try and try again untill I get it right
thanks for your help and will have a look later if you see anything that I am doing wrong. I read a 'guru' on another site the other day who has never set up a data base and confessed he would be lost (always uses fantastico) so in a little way do not feel to bad . But I can assure you it will not beat me :>
Users in blogs
britsinm_gordon (Privileges: ALL PRIVILEGES)
Connection Strings
Perl $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:britsinm_blogs:localhost","britsinm_gordon","<PASSWORD HERE>");
PHP $dbh=mysql_connect ("localhost", "britsinm_gordon", "<PASSWORD HERE>") or die ('I cannot connect to the database because: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db ("britsinm_blogs");
Users in bvlt1
britsinm_bvlt1 (Privileges: ALL PRIVILEGES)
Connection Strings
Perl $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:britsinm_bvlt1:localhost","britsinm_bvlt1","<PASSWORD HERE>");
PHP $dbh=mysql_connect ("localhost", "britsinm_bvlt1", "<PASSWORD HERE>") or die ('I cannot connect to the database because: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db ("britsinm_bvlt1");
thanks again :D
According to Fantastico, the database name is "britsinm_bvlt1" and the database user is "britsinm_bvlt1" and the password is... you should know. Use those in the B2evolution installer.
And what would be the error? My prediction powers have declined lately.