2 daniel Aug 09, 2007 19:48

At the bottom of the post editor is a DATE/TIME field, and a checkbox that allows you to edit the post date... All you have to do is select a date in the future, and post the blog. The blog post won't appear until the date/time you selected.
I did exactly as both of you have told me before I posted my question. :D
On the due date however, my date delayed entry did not appear on the rss feed - and when I lokked at my http://www.myblog/blogs/relevant_stub the entry for the previous day was the top most one and not the date delayed one :'(
I understand it would not appear on my static page as I had not generated it but I would have expected it to appear on the page I view through the stub, and it didnt :-/
So I thought maybe I needed to do something else after creating a date delayed entry to make it publish - Have I missed something else obvious here ? Wouldn't put it past me :oops:
That's simple... go into the expert modus by writing a post, then you should see date and time below the huge field with where you put the text in...