2 afwas Aug 11, 2007 15:18

thats the route i am taking. i appreciate your response. still baffeled at the issue though.
Do you have specific questions?
not sure that its anything i've done or if its an option missing in the build of .9 supplied by my host. the tabs missing seem odd. dont know if i missed something or what
Don't bother with 0.9. If you get it to work you have two *major* problems: it is difficult if not impossible to upgrade to 1.10 or another modern version and 0.9 has no spamprotection and these guys can write both faster and more often tan you can.
Version 0.9 is obsolete and discontinued.
Good luck
Delete everything you did (I ptresume you didn't manage to write posts yet that are dear to you).
Have a look in the [url=http://manual.b2evolution.net/Main_Page]manual[/url] and in the [url=http://forums.b2evolution.net/]forum[/url]. Now you should have an idea of what you want.
You proceed by [url=http://b2evolution.net/downloads/index.html]downloading[/url] version1.10.2, aka Florida. In the manual serch the topic [url=http://manual.b2evolution.net/Install_b2evolution]install from scratch[/url]. After complete install you can cutomize, install skins for better look and plugins for more functionality.
Tell your host they should discontinue providng B2 version 0.9
Good luck