2 jibberjab Aug 14, 2007 04:59

My b2evolution Version: 1.10.x
I'm wondering if anyone else is experiencing the same thing, or if it's just something to do with one of my plugins or something else...
In my admin area, when I go to a particular blog, and then go to the "Posts" tab and then the "Comments" subtab, I see duplicate comments when the comment has been left on a post that has been crossposted in more than one category... If the post was posted in 2 categories, the comment shows up twice... If 3 categories, it shows up 3 times...
When I hover over the "Edit" button, each of the duplicated comments has the same ID, so it's not actually been entered into the database twice, it's just being shown twice...
Additionally, and probably because of this, when I hit the "Latest Comments" link at the bottom of the category list on the blog itself, they show the same way... if posted in 2 cats, the comment shows twice.. if 3 cats, three times...
Anyone else experiencing this?
I figured out it was related to the fix for the mySQL comment-ordering bug which is outlined in this post:
As soon as I removed the fix, the duplicated comments disappeared...