2 hansmiv Aug 21, 2007 21:48

Spammers do a lot of odd things that seem to defy logic. Spam posts that link back to google have been reported here from time to time, and I’ve seen the same thing personally. Maybe it’s just a malicious prank – hoping to trick people into actually banning google. Maybe there is a method to their madness. Who knows?
WRT gibberish spam - just as an experiment I left some of it up for a while, and a few days later found google searches looking for the gibberish linking back into my site. So, I suspect it can be a test on the part of spammers to assess a site's antispam ability.
Since upgrading to 1.10.2 I’ve seen zero spam, where I saw tons of it on the prior 0.9.2 install. So you might want to try an upgrade. Otherwise all you can do is delete the post and maybe try banning the IP address in .htaccess. Blacklisting google is probably not a good idea. :-/
Thanks for your helpful answer. No, I will not ban Google.
Besides, B2E is running on WinXP in my case, so I cannnot use .htaccess. Possibly there is another way to trap the IP, but I am not sure it is always the same one.
I use vs 1.9.2. There cannot be a big difference between 1.9 and 1.10. I still get a few spam-comments, but less then one a day. At the moment it is not an big issue.
hansmiv wrote:
. Possibly there is another way to trap the IP, but I am not sure it is always the same one.
It is an interesting question whether it's from the same IP or not. Can you track that down in your setup?
Good luck
Also the international community is not very creative. Does anybody has any idea about the origin and the meaning of this comments ???