2 village_idiot Aug 19, 2007 16:50

Any other suggestions for any options I may have? I really do like the B2Evolution setup and the ease with which I can post.
what is confusing about what I said?
You have a host -- talk to them.
Gee, so sorry for wasting your time. The servers in question do not have any recourse at this time. They requested that I inquire here and see if there were any resolutions that other people knew about. I suppose I should just switch programs so I do not waste any more precious time here? I am not confused as you imply, I was simply placing a question. If you choose to judge and assume based on that, I apologize for wasting your time and mine.
Ward Tipton
you want to switch - switch.
You wanted an answer to your question(s) you got 1/some.
The docs explain how to 1. back up your database.
There is NOTHING anyone can provide you here beyond telling you to contact your host, and if they cant help then YOU need to take the steps to recover your own database. Again, if you dont know how to do that -p YOU need to contact your host.
Lastly, dont put words in my "typing", I said nothing about wasting anyone's time.
Your frustration, while understandable, doesn't give you the right to lash out at answers you simply don't like --it's not my fault, or anyone else's here, for that matter, that you're having trouble.
Not surprisingly, the wayback machine indicates that as of late 2006, you were running b2evolution -- assuming you havent upgraded since that time, its no surprise you are having trouble.
Sorry modified cPanel addons are not allowed, contact your server admin for more info.
thats the advice you need to be taking -- perhaps something has changed server side that has affected your site. I know there was a big cpanel upgrade that came out that changed things dramatically.