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1 Aug 22, 2007 01:28    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered


I tried to put a link on my blog (which is on blogspot) to a post from one of the blogs hosted on your servers. But when people click on this link they get this "403 Error, Stop referrer spam" message. I am not spamming or anything like that - I liked the article and tried to tell readers to see it.

Is it something that happens with ALL blogspot blogs? Is there a way to get rid of this embarrassing message? Or it is simply not allowed to link to b2evolution blogs from any blogspot blogs?

Please advice. It is very embarrassing to be called spammer, when it is not true...

Thank you in advance

To see the error try to click on 'article from a player mod' link from the post in my blog:

2 Aug 22, 2007 01:32

Since blogspot has been shown to be a source of a lot of referrer spam, it was added to the b2evolution central blacklist as a known domain from which spam originates... so... basically... no, you can't refer to any b2evolution-based blog from blogspot unless the owner of that b2evolution blog either 1: is not using the central blacklist or 2: has manually removed blogspot from their own b2evolution installation's blacklist.


3 Aug 22, 2007 01:37


Thank you for the answer. I'll try to get attention of the blog owner... But is there a way to unlock specific blogspot based blogs? Or is it "all or nothing" thing?

If later, it basically forces ALL blogspot users to ignore b2evolution blogs and physically separates two communities...


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