2 afwas Aug 23, 2007 18:55

This is how the server is set up. The install of b2evolution is in a file on the root. The stub file is in a different file on the root. I tried the stub file suggestion, but still no luck. It is looking for the config file in the OtherFolder still, not in the b2Folder. Basically I need to go out of one folder and into another, if that's even possible. If not that, the goal I am attempting is including something from the blog, a list of stories basically, and I want users to be able to click on the linkblog or archives and read other stories, without leaving the OtherFolder. It's a fan club section of a site, so we are trying to keep it contained without installing another instance of b2 in the OtherFolder. Thanks for the initial suggestion Afwas. I think I might be wanting something that b2 was not designed to do.
How did you make your stub file? Best thing you can do is edit the a_stub.php in the ../blogs/ folder. Especially the last two lines are important:
In the Blog settings you point to the stub file (in this case a_stub.php, in your case you may have given it another name.)
Now you can port this stubfile to wherever you want within the base domain where the blog is located.
Good luck.