2 afwas Sep 09, 2007 17:52

I think we are o the same page here. I just want a clean blog with users posting comments only on each video. Those comments I do not want showing everywhere else. ( Like in the main cat or the sub cat.)
Line 73 says: 'chapters' => 'collections/categories.php',
not sure what it should say to be crosspointing.
Do you have the same file? It's ../blogs/conf/_admin.php. On line 73 (or thereabout) it reads:
$allow_cross_posting = 0;
make that
$allow_cross_posting = 1;
If you do decide to make a 'hidden' blog for your video and another 'hidden' blog with text posts, you can bring them together in a category. Just by setting the same category to the post that accompanies the video.
Ah well, just play with it and see what the possibilities are and what you want and how you want it to show.
Good luck
Thanks, i will play around and see what happens. It was line 145 on my wysiwyg. :D
I do not quit understand what you want, but I may have got it right.
First, you do not need to create a category for every individual video, as you did in the example link: video 1 and video 2. You just create the categoriesand no posts will show in the categories list, only the number of posts.
Next you want to allow crossposting among multiple blogs. Do so on line 73 in ../blogs/conf/_admin.php.
Third, you make one or more extra blogs and make sure they do not show in the bloglist (setting in backoffice -> Blog settings). In this blog you can 'store' the actual videos.
By assigning multiple Categories to an item, you can make several lists with different content and still have your videos neatly separated from your posts. But do play around until you are satisfied.
Good luck