2 afwas Sep 12, 2007 05:48

I found the line you mentioned on line 68, and this is the intire line
$baseurl = 'http://zirconwebdesign.com/blog'; // IMPORTANT: NO ENDING SLASH !!!
it says not to put a slash at the end, do I ignore it?
EDIT: ok I just worked out that I couldn't get to the profile becourse of the style I'd selected, and those styles are "Crystal Glass", and the ones that start with "uneven", so it must just be the styles
Make sure the versions of your skins match the version of your B2evo. You find new versions of skins [url=http://skins.b2evolution.net/]here[/url]. Skins for version 1.9 work on 1.9 and 1.10.
Good luck
The information you give is not much to go after, but start here:
check the file ../blogs/cong/_basic_config.php. On or around line 73 it mentions $baseurl. Make sure the baseurl is correct and ends with one slash (/) and not two.
If this doesn't help, please report back to this topic.
Good luck