2 afwas Sep 12, 2007 05:21

Thanks for the reply.
I checked the file, this is what have, appears to be correct, I included the before and after comments, and this is on line 87 in my file:
* If you don't, login cookies will not hold.
* @global string $baseurl
$baseurl = 'http://integralelementary.com/b2blog/';
* Your email. Will be used in severe error messages so that users can contact you.
* You will also receive notifications for new user registrations there.
$admin_email = 'info@integralelementary.com';
By the way, my server IT told me that i need to include this:
php_flag register_globals on
in my .htaccess file. I did this. I also noted the sample htaccess file in the download form e2, is there something i am missing with the htaccess/
Thnaks again,
$baseurl looks ok, unless you missed the www after http://.
Preferred register_globals setting is off. But if your host tells you otherwise, he knows more about the specific setup of the server.
In a normal situation there is no need to change .htaccess in order to run B2evo.
At this time I have no further answers, but luckily I am not the only one on the forum.
Good luck
Well well!! believe it or not, putting the www. in front of the url in $baseurl WORKED! In Fantastico that is not defaulted.
Anyone using fantastico should check that feature, also some servers may require modifying the .htaccess file...
Looks good so far for me, now i must dig-in and figure the system out.
Thanks for your help!
Unfortunately Fantastico sometimes gives some trouble after installing B2evo for you. One of the things that can go wrong is the following;
Please check the file ../blogs/conf/_basic_config.php. There you find the variable $baseurl on line 97
Make sure this url ends with one slash (/) and not two slashes.
If this is correct and the problem persists, please report back to this topic.
Good luck