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1 Sep 14, 2007 21:57    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

I recently moved my blog to a new domain, including all the images from my archived posts, but unfortunately I had mistakenly always posted images with their source pointing directly to the old domain ( instead of just /images/image.jpg), dont ask me why. so I had to go into my mysql admin to find all the posts linking to my old domain and update them, an easy task with the proper command. but the images still wont appear on my posts unless i directly then re-save them one by one (so its not a permissions thing, bc they do show up after i resave them). i have too many posts to do it one by one how can i resave/refresh all my posts at once? or is there a workaround?

3 Sep 14, 2007 22:23

that totally worked, awesome.

4 Sep 14, 2007 22:31

It's a personal record: the correct answer in three minutes after posting. :p

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