2 yabba Sep 16, 2007 09:04

nope. didn't touch it actually.
The only one I changed was to set the html checker to zero (0) so it will accept the <form> element.
did the above change fix things?
Oh yah, forgot to mention that. It fixed it.
Btw, what's with the "formatting.php"? Never really bothered with that file except changing the HTML checker 1 and 0 when the need arises.
Laibcoms wrote:
Btw, what's with the "formatting.php"? Never really bothered with that file except changing the HTML checker 1 and 0 when the need arises.
The _formatting.php is a basic XHTML checker that regulates which tags are allowed in what context. This will get you some control over your bloggers and commenters, since they cannot post a lot of the malicious code that take advantage of <form>, <iframe> tags and what have you.
Unfortunately the list is a bit arbitrary. It does allow <table> but it does not allow <td> within <table>.
I tried to hack the _formatting.php for specific purposes. It can be done, but it's a bit like spaghetti code.
Good luck
Yep, that's the reason I don't bother touching it except turning the HTML checker on or off if there's a post that I need to get pass through.
Now with all that, a suggestion came up to my mind.
Add a feature wherein, certain users, or group of users can bypass the HTML checker. I prefer it to be permission-based instead of "level-based".
Just a thought.
Hmm.. just curious, any chance the fix above gets added to the releases? ^_^
I mean, if they have HTML checker on, <input> won't get in anyway.
Afwas wrote:
I tried to hack the _formatting.php for specific purposes. It can be done, but it's a bit like spaghetti code.
I can send you a variation of _formatting.php if you want to have a play with it and let me know what you think?
Be warned, it's not been tested and may cause your server to melt at any moment :|
¥åßßå wrote:
Be warned, it's not been tested and may cause your server to melt at any moment :|
So that's what you were doing when your pump broke down :>
I PM you a valid email.
Weirdly enough, I was actually melting a server when the pump broke ;)
Sent you a link
got the cvs as of 3:00pm 10/1, checked it, it now is like this:
if($tag != 'br' && $tag != 'img' && $tag != 'hr' && $tag != 'param')
new feature coming or something?
If you crack open the _formatting.php that's in the conf folder you'll find a couple of new things ;)
I'm assuming that you added input to formatting.php, but you also need to add it to inc/_core/_misc.funcs.php ( approx 999 )