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1 Sep 24, 2007 20:04    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

I don't know if it's me, the host, or my blog.

When I post something and go to look at the blog itself to view the post, it doesn't show up the first time. I have to refresh the page.

Even after refreshing every page on my computer, I went to google and clicked on the link to go to my site, and the main page still wasn't updated. I had to refresh again.

It happens when I'm in the backoffice as well. If I don't refresh before editing a post, a very old version pops up on my screen and I have to redo everything.

Again, is it me, the software or my host?

2 Sep 25, 2007 16:41

It may be your browser. If it's pulling a cached version of your page, you won't pick up the latest changes.

If I understand you correctly, you're making a change to a front-page blog post, exiting to that blog and you're not picking up that change? Try this. Make a change, but before you exit, clear the cache (temp interenet files) and THEN exit to blogs. If you see the change (since you're essentially forcing a hard refresh by dumping the cached version), then it's your browser software.

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