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1 Oct 01, 2007 14:37    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

I've sent the importer to Francois.

It works only with WP 2.3 and b2evolution 2.0.1.

If the importer is uploaded here, I request people to try it out and give feedback.

The community is also free to improve, modify or integrate the importer into b2evolution.

Right now it's standalone and does the following conversions:

1. categories and posts with categories
2. comments including pingbacks and trackbacks.
3. users (other than admin) - all imported users will be set to basic users.

It will install into a fresh new b2evolution system and delete the existing data while importing. This is to ensure there are no conflicts with primary key ids etc which are preserved from WordPress. It will not affect the WordPress installation at all so even if importing fails, nothing will happen to your existing data.

So test it out and let me know. ;)

3 Oct 13, 2007 05:32


Were you a WordPress user? If yes - How long did you use Wordpress? Why did you decide to switch over to b2evo? What was the killer feature?

p.s. - just wondering.

4 Oct 13, 2007 19:53

Thanks for this tool, but it doesn't work for me :(
I get "Existing posts deletion failed. Cannot proceed." error, what can be wrong? It's new b2evo installation with one test post. Both wordpress & b2e use same database. Thanks.

Edit: Damn, I overlooked "to b2evolution 2.0 (alpha) ". :oops: I'm using 1.x :(

5 Nov 13, 2007 07:28

esanchez, yes, I was a WP user.

I was disenchanted with the way WP development was going so I switched to b2evolution which seems to develop well with each new release.

Xxx, yes - it works on an empty installation of b2evolution 2.0.1 alpha and with no posts/test blogs/ etc. It will delete existing posts.

It doesn't work with 1.0.x because the database schema is different.

6 Nov 14, 2007 08:18

harishankar : I was disenchanted with the way WP development was going so I switched to b2evolution which seems to develop well with each new release.

Completely Agree

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