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1 Oct 02, 2007 12:58    

My b2evolution Version: 1.10.x


Is it possible to make a list of the latest comments the same way as the list of post headlines in summary.php ?

I would like to have it as a separate list in a sidebar in the summary.php file.

2 Oct 03, 2007 04:39

In the skin folder, there is a file called "_lastcomments.php", you can modify that to show your comments.


3 Oct 29, 2007 14:16

Okey - I am good at HTML but not so good at PHP :(

I have a highly costumized summary.php, and I would like to include a list of the latest comments in it's own sidebar in my summary.php

I understand that the trick to do this is to costumize the file called "_lastcomments.php" which I find in my skin folder.

I also understand that I have to use a PHP code to include this file in my summary.php

But what exactly do I do ?

Couldt any of you PHP experts help me on this, I would be most thankfull ;)

4 Oct 29, 2007 16:06

Okey, I now see that it's just a matter of pasting the code listed in _lastcomments.php into my summary.php, and then start formatting it.

I just might get it to work myself :roll:

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