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1 Oct 07, 2007 20:27    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

I am trying to post an article to my blog, but I am getting some odd errors. When I click the preview button for certain posts, I get a "406 Not Acceptable" error on the preview page. I imagine this has something to do with spam blocking, but it is very confusing.

I have narrowed this down to the smallest post possible that still gives me an error. If I create a post with the following text in the body and click "Preview", I get the 406 error:

select <any_number_of_words> from

My guess is that this is some attempt to protect against SQL injection using a very heavy handed approach.

Is this an issue with B2Evolution or is this some sort of Apache issue? Is there some way to safely turn this "protection" off?

Thanks for your help,

2 Oct 07, 2007 20:29

If you're getting an http error, it's probably apache. Try interspersing the words with <b></b> somewhere in the middle.

3 Oct 07, 2007 20:33

Thanks, but no dice. Still getting the error even after I am adding some tags.

4 Oct 07, 2007 20:42

Hrm... if you are using a font in which that is possible, you could substitute the lower case l in select with an upper case I. A really dirty hack :)

5 Oct 07, 2007 21:04

Yep, that works. A slightly better version would be to use this:

sel&shy;ect from

Where &shy is an html code for a soft hyphenation and will not appear unless the select is at a line break.

Although this works for me, I am hoping for a solution that will be unconfusing for non-technical people. I would want them to be able to just type what they want to type and not have to worry about SQL injection.

If this is an Apache problem does anyone know how I can turn it off?

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