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1 Oct 17, 2007 15:46    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered


Is there any "intelligent" upgrade feature, that allows to upgrade from alpha releases (mine is currently 2.0.1) to the final stable release 2.x.

my concerns: I put a lot of effort into setting up my blog according to my needs and then wouldnt be able to switch to the final release in a couple of months.

Never done that before :-/

So please give recommendation:
1.) set up everything with the current stable release 1.10.2
2.) configure current 2.0.1 to full extent because upgrade is for sure no issue
3.) upgrade NOW to 2.0.2 and set up everything there, because expected changes to stable release are minor ;-)

thanks a lot in advance!

p.s.: I love the b2alpha already!!! :p

2 Oct 17, 2007 17:08

There isn't a real answer to your question. You could go for the 1.10 release and be happy for a couple of years. If you set your mind to the 2.0 version, go ahead with 2.0.2. There are only minor issues reported so far and even François claims it's stable. As I understood the announcements correctly there will be a forthcoming change in the skins, so be prepared to do some additional tweaks in a few month time.
The skins are your main concern. 1.10 skins are not compatible with 2.0. So, time invested in 1.10 has some drawbacks, but on the other hand 1.10 is fully developed and ultra stable whereas 2.0 is still somewhat experimental.

Good luck

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