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1 Oct 23, 2007 15:37    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

I would like to have four parts to my blog - 1. common chit chat 2. new western business I have found in China 3. Chinese word of the week 4. Students activity. Is this easy to do with B2 or should I stick with a webpage. I would like to have 4 rectangular boxes, each with a more button to click at the end of the first paragraph and at least one pick in each box. If this is possible how do I go about doing it?

2 Oct 23, 2007 15:53

Probably the easiest way is to have a blog for each of the 4 areas and then use /multiblogw.php to display a single post from each of them ;)


3 Oct 23, 2007 16:05

Thanks! If I can figure out how to make a css as a template will that do it also?

4 Oct 23, 2007 16:30

You can style the page however you like, but the chances are that you're wanting to use the functionality of the multiblogs.php, so it's a good starting point ;)


5 Oct 24, 2007 05:53

I the multiblogs.php consolidates multiple blogs onto one page...makes it easier to edit them, I guess? So can I tell b2 that I want 2 columns? or 3 columns? 4 equal quadrants?

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