2 yabba Oct 23, 2007 15:53

Thanks! If I can figure out how to make a css as a template will that do it also?
You can style the page however you like, but the chances are that you're wanting to use the functionality of the multiblogs.php, so it's a good starting point ;)
I see...so the multiblogs.php consolidates multiple blogs onto one page...makes it easier to edit them, I guess? So can I tell b2 that I want 2 columns? or 3 columns? 4 equal quadrants?
Ask this question in the [url=http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewforum.php?f=6]Templates, skins, XHTML and CSS[/url] part of this forum. That may attract experts on the topic.
Good luck
Probably the easiest way is to have a blog for each of the 4 areas and then use /multiblogw.php to display a single post from each of them ;)