2 zblogwala Oct 28, 2007 03:19

Any idea how following code works
$Plugin = & $this->register( $classname, 0, -1, NULL, $classfile_path ); // Auto-generates negative ID; New ID will be set a few lines below
Its working fine for all default plugins but not for archives_plugin, and above line is the line where 2.0.2 Alpha b2e stops installing process.
File Name : blog/inc/plugins/model/_plugins_admin.class.php
Any idea?
Following is a line of code where installation stops just before require_once $classfile_path. the file is exists in blog/plugins/_archives.plugin.php but its some how not pick by require_once. Any Idea?
File Location :blog/inc/plugins/model/_plugins.class.php
elseif( ! class_exists($classname) ) // If there are several copies of one plugin for example..
$Debuglog->add( 'Loading plugin class file: '.$classname, 'plugins' );
require_once $classfile_path;
Hi All,
Any help , suggestion on above issue highly appreciated.
Try upping your memory limit ;)
which file should I change? is that php.ini :> ? should I change in b2evolution install directory?
Urm, I *think* it's in /conf/_advanced.php , but adjusting your php.ini would also do it
As per doc its _basic_config.php which I already updated. Should I add more memory?
[edit] PHP memory_limit
Since version 1.8 b2evo often requires more than the default of 8MB of memory. To change it, set the "memory_limit" php.ini value to e.g. 16M. E.g. in /conf/_basic_config.php add the following line:
ini_set('memory_limit', '16M');
It's recommended to set this value in php.ini or .htaccess (for Apache) itself. If PHP is running in safe mode, using ini_set() to bump the memory limit seems to have no effect - ask your webhost provider then.
I'm assuming that means it didn't work?
Try upping it to 32m if that doesn't work then check that your host allows you to change it :
ini_set( 'memory_limit', '32M' );
Hi ¥åßßå,
Thank you, but which varibale 8| should I check for change value in php_info() output?
So change _basic_config.php and _advanced.php and also php.ini file and increase memory_limit to 32M to 50M but still installation stops at
require_once $classfile_path;
It's in the elseif statement and there it's generating an error. No news here, but why is it in the elsif? Can you check the comment:
// If there are several copies of one plugin for example.
You find the plugins in the ../blogs/plugins/ folder.
Good luck
Below is my debug mesage and also a code
plugins else if 17
plugins else if 18
It suppos to display "where is classfile_path"; but it jsut stops after #18 and file path.
echo "plugins 15<br>";
$Timer->pause( 'plugins_register' );
echo "plugins 16<br>";
return $Plugin;
$Timer->pause( 'plugins_register' );
return $r;
elseif( ! class_exists($classname) ) // If there are several copies of one plugin for example..
echo "plugins else if 17<br>";
// $Debuglog->add( 'Loading plugin class file: '.$classname, 'plugins' );
echo "plugins else if 18<br>";
echo $classfile_path;
require_once $classfile_path;
echo "where is classfile_path";
echo "plugins else if 19<br>";
if( ! class_exists( $classname ) )
{ // the given class does not exist
echo "plugins else if 20<br>";
if( $must_exists )
echo "plugins else if 21<br>";
$r = sprintf( 'Plugin class for «%s» in file «%s» not defined.', $classname, rel_path_to_base($classfile_path) );
echo "plugins else if 22<br>";
if( ! is_readable( $classfile_path ) )
{ // Plugin file not found!
elseif( ! class_exists($classname) ) // If there are several copies of one plugin for example..
$Debuglog->add( 'Loading plugin class file: '.$classname, 'plugins' );
require_once $classfile_path;
Now file is there with read permission and that is the reason it goes to elseif.
-rwxr-xr-x 1 com com 24123 Oct 28 00:02 _archives.plugin.php
So I change to only read mode and also did not install sample data and now b2evolution is setup and gave me login and password. I assume that is the good install.
---x--x--x 1 com com 24123 Oct 28 00:02 _archives.plugin.php
But When I try to login it gives following error.
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, webmaster@blog.my.com and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Apache/1.3.39 Server at blog.my.com Port 80
But If I select installing sample data installation stops @ creating sample data and never come up with login and password.
Installing sample contents...
Creating demo user... OK.
Creating default blogs... OK.
Creating sample categories... OK.
Creating sample posts...
zblogwala wrote:
Thank you, but which varibale 8| should I check for change value in php_info() output?
If you run that and then scan down the output you'll see "memory limit" with two values after it. The first is the "local" value and the second is the "master value". If the local value doesn't reflect your change then your host will need to increase the limit for you.
Another thing to try is setting it to zero, as I'm sure I read somewhere that some versions of php5 work in mysterious ways
Thank for reply.
Here is my configuration, I though keeping old will helps with less compatibility issue. Following is also a stable combination for other script on my server and for b2evolution.
PHP version 4.4.7
MySQL version 5.0.37-standard
Apache version 1.3.39 (UNIX)
Any idea why even after installing with no-sample data login script fails?
I will create a blank new database for you. Please PM me your email adress. PM is Personal Mail, you find the button under this message.
Good luck
I sent you the sql file through email.
Good luck
Hi Afwas,
Thank you for script.
Few questions though.
1. How I will get admin password? Should I change first admin password , clear text in script and then run it?
2. Should I replace and localhost to to mydomain.com?
3. any other change to make it more my domain aware?
I just sent you password through email. I forgot that one.
Probably the database is on 'localhost' but that might just as well be another URL. Check your host (phpMyAdmin) for this information. For the rest: if you experience troubles recheck the ../blogs/conf/_basic_conf.php file.
Good luck
Hi Afwas,
After installing your script I was able to view b2evolution default page.
But when I try to login using login and password I have following message.
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, webmaster@blog.mydomain.com and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Apache/1.3.39 Server at blog.mydomain.com Port 80
And now when I try to go back to http://blog.mydomain.com , b2evolution display gray color screen.
Is there any permission issues. I have 755 for all .php fil at root level.
¥åßßå wrote:
zblogwala wrote:
Thank you, but which varibale 8| should I check for change value in php_info() output?
If you run that and then scan down the output you'll see "memory limit" with two values after it. The first is the "local" value and the second is the "master value".
Did you try this one?
If the grey screen is in fact pink / grey then it means there is an mySQL error.
The 'b2evolution default page' you describe, is it the blog page or a white / orange / black page with numerous links?
Do make sure you have the mySQL login information in ../blogs/conf/_basic_conf.php correct.
If you want you can publish / PM or email me your site URL, but I doubt if I can see something on the outside if an error is all you got.
Good luck
Also can't access followin links.
Blogs on this system
* Blog #1: Blog A Title
* Blog #2: Blog B Title
* Blog #3: Linkblog Title
Add a new blog »
# Blog #1 called through a stub file (a_stub.php)
# Blog #1 called through a custom template (not a skin) (a_noskin.php)
# Multiple blogs displayed on the same page (multiblogs.php)
# Blog #1 XML sitemap (called through a stub) (sitemap_a.php)
You seem to have a database error. Either the blog can't find the database because you don't have the settings in ../blog/conf/_basic_conf.php correct, especially:
$db_config = array(
'user' => 'user', // your MySQL username (not the B2evo username)
'password' => '*******', // ...and MySQL password (not the B2evo password)
'name' => 'b2evolution', // the name of the MySQL database
'host' => 'localhost', // MySQL Server (typically 'localhost')
or there is something wrong with the server and only your host can help you.
Good luck
well I put debug messages for a_stub.php and its stops in _itemlist.class.php at following line.
../blog/conf/_basic_conf.php settings are all correct.
memory_limit is 60M I even try to copt php.ini file in all sub-directory.
So I am not sure about this issues.
So its look likes every blog program is some what always tricky with different environment when try to setup and running. Its a Constance monitoring game. I was so frustrated with wordpressmu i try b2e and I think I am heading to the same wall.
Is there a clear cut guide line for installing scripts on dedicated server, virtual server or shared server and few important parameters settings?.
Its appears that it will work for a while and as soon as few things change or new upgrade you are spending day and night.
It may be a open source effects but is it really worth it when some new business startups or NGO try to build their It infrastructure with limited resources and experties?
Hi zblogwala,
I myself will not draw conclusions untill I know what is the cause of your problem. B2evo is designed to run on as much servers as possible. I haven't ruled out the possibility that the flaw lies with your host.
If you buy an expensive package from Microsoft, the'd require it to run on an expensive IIS server.
As for the open source itself you may draw your own conclusions. I know B2evo is a great piece of software but I also know it will never be finished and no matter how many possibilities you add, there will be other requests. But you can't complain about the community on the forum that is trying to help you. And you get your money back. Guaranteed. B)
I can fully understand your disappointment because I share it with you.
One tip: try to install it on one of the free hosting services like http://www.direkthomepage.de/ that advertises on our homepage or http://www.100webspace.com/ or http://www.wampserver.com/en/.
Good luck
Dear Afwas,
I am not complaining to forum members or b2e team. My frustration comes from variety of experience with hosing world and true solution claims.
The real issue is that you and I spending much needed night time oil from our life and still few things are not clear or open. In terms of compatibility and what can we do or not do on hosting servers.
I hope I will have a blog solution that I am looking for to offer my 1000+ visitors and have their own blog on my website.
Sorry if I offended some one but I am more result oriented and less in developer mode now. Its might be aside effect of my age. :roll:
I am running my website on virtual Server using Virtuozzo with following components.
CentOS release 4.5 (Final).
PHP version 4.4.7
MySQL version 5.0.37-standard
Apache version 1.3.39
Above is pretty much stable environment though I am not sure about their stability on virtual server. This point I think issues are more with memory which set to 60M.
Record breaking is at just over 16MB memory. So if you do have 60 MB there is no way this limits your possibilities. PHP 4 has a standard 8MB set in ini. That is not enough for 2.0. So in terms of memory the question is if your host lets you override it's php.ini. Phpinfo() should provide the answer.
Fior the rest the blog should run with no problem at all on this server. Have you contacted your host with this problem? You might try on php 5, which has 32MB standard.
Good luck
My host help me a lot but at the end of 2 day they told me to contact developer. They don't want to spend time on 3'rd party software and don't want to help me to debug it.
Look at the [url=http://demo.b2evolution.net/]demo[/url] where you can set php and mySQL in the left bar before choosing a B2evo version.
Did you try installing 1.10.2?
well that what i did and following is working fine on demo website.
b2evolution version 2.0.2-alpha on PHP 4.4.x / MySQL 5.0.38.
I try 10.1.2 and had same issue with installation. Thanx to you I have database for 2.02 but I had same issues with 10.1.2 during installation and that is the reason I move to 2.0.2 latest stable version.
So any one with Virtual Server and installed 2.0.2???
I really appreciate if you can share your OS version, php.ini, mysql, memory, any thing you think b2e 2.0.2 require.
I have huge TorT going on with my hosting server, they thinks it’s an issue with 3’rd party software.
Looks like they don’t want me to install for what ever reason multi blog software and I want to prove it’s not an application issues.
and also if its 10.1.2 as its also not working for me.
I try to install 10.1.3 and below where it stops. Its a common stopping at
Installing default plugins...
for 10.1.2/10.1.3 and 2.0.2.
Multilingual multiuser multi-blog engine.
Installer for version 1.10.3
Current installation: Install menu · PHP info · Go to Blogs · Go to Admin · Online: Manual · Forums
Installing b2evolution tables with sample data
Created table «evo_groups»
Created table «evo_blogusers»
Created table «evo_settings»
Created table «evo_users»
Created table «evo_blogs»
Created table «evo_coll_settings»
Created table «evo_categories»
Created table «evo_posts»
Created table «evo_postcats»
Created table «evo_comments»
Created table «evo_locales»
Created table «evo_antispam»
Created table «evo_sessions»
Created table «evo_usersettings»
Created table «evo_item__prerendering»
Created table «evo_poststatuses»
Created table «evo_posttypes»
Created table «evo_files»
Created table «evo_basedomains»
Created table «evo_useragents»
Created table «evo_hitlog»
Created table «evo_subscriptions»
Created table «evo_bloggroups»
Created table «evo_links»
Created table «evo_filetypes»
Created table «evo_plugins»
Created table «evo_pluginsettings»
Created table «evo_pluginusersettings»
Created table «evo_pluginevents»
Created table «evo_cron__task»
Created table «evo_cron__log»
Creating default blacklist entries... OK.
Creating default groups... OK.
Creating default Post Types... OK.
Creating default file types... OK.
Giving Administrator Group edit perms on files... OK.
Giving Administrator Group full perms on media for all blogs... OK.
Creating default blogs... OK.
Creating sample categories... OK.
Creating default users... OK.
Creating sample posts for blog A... OK.
Creating default linkblog entries... OK.
Creating sample posts... OK.
Creating sample comments... OK.
Creating default group/blog permissions... OK.
Creating default settings... OK.
Installing default plugins...
Also below is my apache server setting from phpinfo, not sure but should I have mod_rewrite enable or other function?
Apache/1.3.39 (Unix) mod_auth_passthrough/1.8 mod_log_bytes/1.2 mod_bwlimited/1.4 FrontPage/ mod_ssl/2.8.30 OpenSSL/0.9.7a PHP-CGI/0.1b
I made the 1.10.3 sql file available under: http://www.hemminga.net/1_10_3/hemmi3_1103.sql.txt I PM you the password that goes with it.
Good luck
Hi Afwas,
Sorry but no luck, I change /conf/_basic_config.php file with my login/password/database names.
loaded your sql scripts.
try to access http://www.mydomain/blog
and all I see is white page.
I use following chmod settings.
chmod 666 /blogs/conf/_basic_config.php (_config.php before version 1.8) if you want the installer to be able to automatically update your config based on your input.
chmod 777 /blogs to allow creation of blog stub files from the admin interface or to generate static pages for your blogs.
chmod 777 /blogs/media in order to upload images and other media from b2evo's backoffice.
chmod 666 /blogs/skins/custom/* if you want to use the template editor for the custom skin.
Thanx for help.
I was looking at the SQL query for the plugins, because that's where the script halts at your server (and does so at more than one B2evo version). This is the 2.0.2 version:
CREATE TABLE T_plugins (
plug_ID INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment,
plug_priority TINYINT NOT NULL default 50,
plug_classname VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL default '',
plug_code VARCHAR(32) NULL,
plug_apply_rendering ENUM( 'stealth', 'always', 'opt-out', 'opt-in', 'lazy', 'never' )
plug_version VARCHAR(42) NOT NULL default '0',
plug_name VARCHAR(255) NULL default NULL,
plug_shortdesc VARCHAR(255) NULL default NULL,
plug_status ENUM( 'enabled', 'disabled', 'needs_config', 'broken' ) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY ( plug_ID ),
UNIQUE plug_code( plug_code ),
INDEX plug_status( plug_status )
I don't see any irregularity, nor anything that can cause issues in various SQL dialects.
If you install again at some day, please check the database for the evo_plugins entries: which do get entered and which don't. hat may hold a clue as to where the script stops.
What you can do is export the database and make the sql statement public (to me) in the same way as I did in my previous post. That way I can check differences in the generated SQL code. It *may* be some SQL setting or dialect conflict.
Good luck
Below is 1.10.3 insert data for evo_plugins when I install on my website using browser.
Below is from you script.
INSERT INTO `evo_plugins` VALUES(1, 30, 'quicktags_plugin', 'b2evQTag', 'never', '1.10', NULL, NULL, 'enabled', 1);
INSERT INTO `evo_plugins` VALUES(2, 70, 'auto_p_plugin', 'b2WPAutP', 'opt-out', '1.9', NULL, NULL, 'enabled', 1);
INSERT INTO `evo_plugins` VALUES(3, 60, 'autolinks_plugin', 'b2evALnk', 'opt-out', '1.9-dev', NULL, NULL, 'enabled', 1);
INSERT INTO `evo_plugins` VALUES(4, 90, 'texturize_plugin', 'b2WPTxrz', 'opt-out', '1.9-dev', NULL, NULL, 'enabled', 1);
INSERT INTO `evo_plugins` VALUES(5, 15, 'smilies_plugin', 'b2evSmil', 'opt-out', '1.10', NULL, NULL, 'enabled', 1);
INSERT INTO `evo_plugins` VALUES(6, 80, 'code_highlight_plugin', 'evo_code', 'opt-out', '1.10-dev', NULL, NULL, 'enabled', 1);
INSERT INTO `evo_plugins` VALUES(7, 65, 'videoplug_plugin', 'evo_videoplug', 'opt-out', '1.10', NULL, NULL, 'enabled', 1);
INSERT INTO `evo_plugins` VALUES(8, 20, 'calendar_plugin', 'evo_Calr', 'never', '1.9-dev', NULL, NULL, 'enabled', 1);
INSERT INTO `evo_plugins` VALUES(9, 50, 'archives_plugin', 'evo_Arch', 'never', '1.9-dev', NULL, NULL, 'enabled', 1);
INSERT INTO `evo_plugins` VALUES(10, 60, 'categories_plugin', 'evo_Cats', 'never', '1.9-dev', NULL, NULL, 'enabled', 1);
INSERT INTO `evo_plugins` VALUES(11, 50, 'ping_b2evonet_plugin', 'ping_b2evonet', 'never', '1.9-dev', NULL, NULL, 'enabled', 1);
INSERT INTO `evo_plugins` VALUES(12, 50, 'ping_pingomatic_plugin', 'ping_pingomatic', 'never', '1.9-dev', NULL, NULL, 'enabled', 1);
So it looks like some kind of code or directory permission with archives_plugin, as that is the line did not get inserted when I try to install using browser.
Any idea or clue from this behavior.
Below is what I have in my plugins directory with permission value.
drwxr-xr-x 7 zbcom zbcom 4096 Nov 7 22:08 plugins
-rw-rw-r-- 1 zb zb 17686 Nov 1 00:58 _archives.plugin.php
-rw-rw-r-- 1 zb zb 18057 Nov 1 00:58 _auto_p.plugin.php
-rw-rw-r-- 1 zb zb 1595 Nov 1 00:58 _autolinks.plugin.php
-rw-rw-r-- 1 zb zb 6271 Nov 1 00:58 _bbcode.plugin.php
-rw-rw-r-- 1 zb zb 3861 Nov 1 00:58 _bookmarklet.plugin.php
-rw-rw-r-- 1 zb zb 38915 Nov 1 00:58 _calendar.plugin.php
-rw-rw-r-- 1 zb zb 10994 Nov 1 00:58 _categories.plugin.php
-rw-rw-r-- 1 zb zb 5504 Nov 1 00:58 _generic_ping.plugin.php
-rw-rw-r-- 1 zb zb 2224 Nov 1 00:58 _gmcode.plugin.php
-rw-rw-r-- 1 zb zb 3404 Nov 1 00:58 _ping_b2evonet.plugin.php
-rw-rw-r-- 1 zb zb 3077 Nov 1 00:58 _ping_pingomatic.plugin.php
-rw-rw-r-- 1 zb zb 11437 Nov 1 00:58 _quicktags.plugin.php
-rw-rw-r-- 1 zb zb 9190 Mar 18 2007 _sitemap.plugin.php
-rw-rw-r-- 1 zb zb 10956 Nov 1 00:58 _smilies.plugin.php
-rw-rw-r-- 1 zb zb 17724 Nov 1 00:58 _test.plugin.php
-rw-rw-r-- 1 zb zb 4160 Nov 1 00:58 _texturize.plugin.php
-rw-rw-r-- 1 zb zb 4299 Nov 1 00:58 _wacko.plugin.php
-rw-rw-r-- 1 zb zb 8561 Nov 1 00:58 _wikilinks.plugin.php
drwxrwxr-x 2 zb zb 4096 Nov 7 22:08 adsense_plugin
drwxrwxr-x 2 zb zb 4096 Nov 7 22:08 basic_antispam_plugin
drwxrwxr-x 4 zb zb 4096 Nov 7 22:08 code_highlight_plugin
-rw-rw-r-- 1 zb zb 911 Feb 23 2006 index.html
-rw-rw-r-- 1 zb zb 2466 Apr 20 2007 skeleton.plugin.php
drwxrwxr-x 2 zb zb 4096 Nov 7 22:08 test_plugin
drwxrwxr-x 2 zb zb 4096 Nov 7 22:08 videoplug_plugin
This all goes back to my post on Page 1. some how on my machine the archive directory/ logic something archive check is not working.
This may hold a clue.
Try installing the database with the Archives plugin 'disabled' in stead of 'enabled'. My blog didn't gave an error with the plugin off.
I faintly (very vague) remember a problem with the $m and $s being declared globally in the Archives plugin. Perhaps ¥åßßå can remember what that was about.
guess what i rename _archives.plugin.php to _archives.plugin.php.ORIG and run installation and it work, first time I have installation success with login and password.
but, joy is always short lived for me,
now I can't login to my blog, as main index.php throws me a white page.
so now i am going to debug that issue.
system just hangs at following line of code in /home/zbcom/www/clog/inc/_main.inc.php
require_once $model_path.'items/_itemlist.class.php';
memory_limit is set to 32M.
¥åßßå wrote:
I'm assuming that means it didn't work?
Try upping it to 32m if that doesn't work then check that your host allows you to change it :
<?php ini_set( 'memory_limit', '32M' ); php_info(); ?>
Hi ¥åßßå,
Any idea bout archive plugins not working during instillation?
Second , yes after installing without archive plugins i can't access or get login/password screen.
I set memory limit in local php.ini but some how on my server when i do php_info() I can't see memory_limit parameter.
As you pointed out correct url to my blog :), i think there are some issues with the server set up.
as per my hosting memory is set by the host under zend directory which i can not change.
I try o use local copy of php.ini file and that is also not working for me.
At present memory_limit set to 265 but thats by root user.
I'm pretty convinced that all your problems are memory related, so you need to ask your host to alter the memory limit for you ( I have 1.9.x, 1.10.x and 2.0.x blogs running on CentOs with zero problems )
Knowing the domain of a blog with a problem can be very helpful ;)
ps. Don't forget to delete your install directory huh? :roll:
Well I ask my host ( they are nice bunch of people) , but some how b'cos its a virtual server I think there are some issue which I am not clear about.
If you see the phpinfo , memory_limit variable is missing for no reason. I don't know how is that possible.
Hosting tech support told me to use local php.ini file at my root level and that will override all settings they did somewhere in zend directory.
Now you know the place you can see all the variables.
things not clear to me is how two php.ini will exists and how I can force php script to read only local copy of php.ini file.
Take look at http://zazi.com/php.php where i have my own version of php.ini file.
Sorry, I don't have the magical answer, it just looks like a problem
You might like to ask somewhere like [url=http://www.htmlforums.com/f-linux-administration-53.html/]here[/url] though, or the forums for your VPS software.
The chances are that it's summat simple ...... hmmmm *remembers the sorta humour *life* has* ...... or it'll be so complicated that only an expert can help yah ....... I can do simple :D
things not clear to me is how two php.ini will exists and how I can force php script to read only local copy of php.ini file.
It's a tad like CSS, later files/declarations override earlier files/declarations .... ask [url=http://forums.b2evolution.net/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=1434]scott[/url], he has a php ini in every folder he can possibly think of!
... that still doesn't answer why you don't have a memory limit though :-/
So my findings pointing me at this php function.
The issue looks like in _main.inc.php file. Its loading roughly 51 file. And I notice that script stops working when it try to load following line
require_once $model_path.'items/_itemlist.class.php'
When I put above live on top of all other require_once file, script stops some where following line
require_once $inc_path.'_misc/_trackback.funcs.php';
I think somewhere php/apache or b2e not able to handle x number of files and i am not sure its a memory or process or file open issue at OS level?
I am not sure which parameter I should change in php.ini or any other optimization tips so I can load all require file?
You need to ask your host to increase the memory limit.
This isn't an apache /php/b2evo problem as far as I can see. I've pretty much had evo working in every environment from windows2003 to CentOs and I've never hit any max includes or other limits.
Below is Full Log.