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1 Oct 27, 2007 19:04    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

Suppose I want to use a second blog using the multi-blog feature in a different domain, how do I go about it?

I know I can point the URL to the new blog, but what files do I need to copy in the new directory so that it works?

3 Nov 13, 2007 07:30

Sorry for the late response.

I'm having each subdomain in a separate folder of public_html.



etc. etc.

4 Nov 14, 2007 08:32

Hi harishankar,

Creating subdomain will create fold under public_html, but accessing blog will depends how you configure it.

I assume you want and, which is possible to access


5 Nov 14, 2007 12:41

I just found out that my server VirtualHosts is configured such that I cannot achieve this in b2evolution. I'm not under a shared host with cPanel, but hosted on my friend's server.

6 Nov 14, 2007 17:31

Hi Hari,

What is your virtual hosts configuration? VH is more likely server you want if you want multi user blog, compare to shared host.


7 Nov 15, 2007 00:31

You *might* be able to get away with copying index.php ++ /conf/ ++ /inc/ ++ /skins/ to each subdomain folder ( untested, so you may find errors ).

Personally I have my sub doms pointing at the same folder as my main dom which makes things a shedload easier

If the worst comes to the worst then you need to upload all the files to your subdom, but you can still use a single database/admin ..... mostly :p


8 Nov 15, 2007 01:23

so how b2evo works for multi domain? is it possible to offer auto registration and users own subdomain with out of the box b2evo??

9 Nov 15, 2007 10:55

Auto registration is just a matter of ticking a box. Enabling users to have their own blogs on a domain/sub domain relies on you setting up the blogs and the server to suit.

I've only ever used multi-(sub) domain blogs by having them all run from the same folder.


10 Nov 15, 2007 15:02

¥åßßå wrote:

You *might* be able to get away with copying index.php ++ /conf/ ++ /inc/ ++ /skins/ to each subdomain folder ( untested, so you may find errors ).

Personally I have my sub doms pointing at the same folder as my main dom which makes things a shedload easier

If the worst comes to the worst then you need to upload all the files to your subdom, but you can still use a single database/admin ..... mostly :p


I've given up the idea for now. As a matter of fact, I'm writing my own blog software using PHP and SQLite (instead of MySQL) and it's going to be optimized for displaying images (not a image gallery or a photo blog, but just for showing my cartoons - one page at a time).

I need a separate blog for showing my comic strips. Writing a PHP software from scratch is a nice challenge, even though I've written a simple CMS before...

11 Nov 15, 2007 15:17


¥åßßå wrote:

I've only ever used multi-(sub) domain blogs by having them all run from the same folder. 

And you can do that by setting DNS entry,mod_rewrite and .htaccess?,

Any core .php file or MySql database change?


12 Nov 15, 2007 15:23

zblogwala, if you have all subdomains pointing to the same folder, a simple .htaccess (mod_rewrite) trick can redirect specifc requests to specific domains. Of course, it is possible only in that case.

Otherwise, having multiple domains is far more tricky...

13 Nov 16, 2007 00:32

Hi Hari,

How to do that?

1.As creating new blog will be not in my control, as n number of blog could be created in a given day.

2.what change require in mode_rewrite/DNS and .hraccess?

I know Wordpressmu its Out of the box by changing .htaccess /DNS and running apache with mod_rewrite?


14 Nov 16, 2007 01:36

harishankar wrote:

I need a separate blog for showing my comic strips. Writing a PHP software from scratch is a nice challenge, even though I've written a simple CMS before...

Good luck ..... ohhh, and make sure you have plenty of coffee ..... and beer, for when the caffeine high gets to much to handle ;)

zblogwala wrote:

And you can do that by setting DNS entry,mod_rewrite and .htaccess?,

Any core .php file or MySql database change?


I pretty much explained in my blog post how I did it .... another *cheat* I've found since ( just to save me ssh'ing in and stuff ) is to use your control panel to add an alias to your main domain. Then either enter the other domain or the subdomain as the alias.

I'll happily post my htaccess, but the majority of it is just for rewriting my old urls to their new locations.

The only *core* hack I've done is to /conf/_config_TEST.php to change the $baseurl to reflect the domain/sub-domain that the user is on.

I repeat though, this ends up with all of the (sub)domains living in exactly the same folder ( ie/ && both point to /path/innervisions/public_html/ ).

That's no problem for me though as I'm pretty much a single blogger that just happens to have his blog spread over a couple of domains, and all the other users already have more than ftp access, so I kinda trust them not to screw with my webspace ;)


15 Nov 16, 2007 04:04

Hi ¥åßßå,

I want to offer blog service just like wordpress webite or blogger fromgoogle.

I want to make new blog creation simple 1,2,3 step.

You think this is possible using any b2e version??

I don't mind to do 1 time customization but don't want to end up config change for each new blog.


16 Nov 16, 2007 10:50

You have 2 separate problems to cure.

1) You need to have a wildcard dns entry in your httpd.conf file so that all the sub domains are redirected to the same folder

2) You need an equivalent of the AutoBlog plugin ( which afaik doesn't work on 2.x.y )

The good news is that 2.x.y allows you to have custom css per blog so your users can change the skin style via the file manager and they can obviously add/remove/rearrange widgets to suit their whims. All of which means they don't need any form of FTP access ;)


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