2 sam2kb Jan 06, 2008 03:31

It's reported earlier, but we didn't find a solution. See [url=http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=13392&start=0&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=quicktags]Editor on strike[/url]. It's kinda cool you found an error message.
Good luck
It's not so cool for me :), but I don't really care about this problem. It happens 2-3 times a month.
I just wanted to confirm/remind that the problem is not only in 1.xx
Thank you for reply.
Error: uncaught exception: Permission denied to get property Window.b2evo_Callbacks
This is happening to me as well. It happens on and off though I can't pinpoint the cause.
I'm running 2.4.0 but I've noticed the behaviour (buttons in the Post Blog page of the admin interface don't add any HTML code to the post) from 1.10 and possibly before. This is the first I've looked at the error message though.
After reading the conversation at:
I restarted Firefox and all is good. It's weird though
Also, this happens with Firefox, anyone have seen this happening with another browser? It could be a firefox bug, for all we know.
Another thing, the only place where I have found anything related to this message is in [url=http://doc.b2evolution.net/HEAD/__filesource/fsource_plugins__blogsplugins_quicktags.plugin.php.html#a313]/plugins/_quick_tags.plugin.php[/url]:
* insertion code
function b2evoInsertTag( myField, i )
// we need to know if something is selected.
// First, ask plugins, then try IE and Mozilla.
var sel_text = b2evo_Callbacks.trigger_callback("get_selected_text_for_"+myField.id);
var focus_when_finished = false; // used for IE
if( sel_text == null )
{ // detect selection:
//IE support
var sel = document.selection.createRange();
sel_text = sel.text;
focus_when_finished = true;
else if(myField.selectionStart || myField.selectionStart == '0')
var startPos = myField.selectionStart;
var endPos = myField.selectionEnd;
sel_text = (startPos != endPos);
if( sel_text )
{ // some text selected
textarea_wrap_selection( myField, b2evoButtons[i].tagStart, b2evoButtons[i].tagEnd, 0 );
if( !b2evoCheckOpenTags(i) || b2evoButtons[i].tagEnd == '')
textarea_wrap_selection( myField, b2evoButtons[i].tagStart, '', 0 );
textarea_wrap_selection( myField, '', b2evoButtons[i].tagEnd, 0 );
So, we need a javasript wizzard to step up and help here. I'm sorry to say I'm not one of them :(
A new "evidence" for someone interested in fixing this issue.
I'm running 2.4.2 and firefox 3.0.1 and the problem persists. Now, the difference is I have Firebug installed. So when I got the above mentioned error, I opened firebug console and typed: window.opener to see what tha object contained. To my surprise, the window object contained something from Google Reader I had opened in another tab. Closing that tab (the one containing Google Reader) allowed the buttons in the editor to work again.
Next task for me: determine if every time the editor buttons stop working I have a tab with google reader open (very likely, since I have almost always Google Reader open).
I will post back to this thread when I have more info on this bug, which smells like a Gecko bug
If you ever can pinpoint such a bug you're gonna be famous :p
I had reported this in another thread, as a number of other people did. It happens in Opera also, and that bit about hosts sounds sound (pun) because the quicktags button always work for me in IE6, but don't work from a write post window open in Opera or Firefox with the bookmarklet plugin, UNLESS the link I am posting about (this is, the page from where I clicked the bookmarklet button) is located on my own site, or to put it another way, on the same host as b2evolution. I suspect the plugin takes something for granted about the host that IE gets by default and the other browsers don't.
Just for kicks, try changing this section of /rsc/js/functions.js ( approx 223 )
if( window.opener
// && window.opener.b2evo_Callbacks
&& ( typeof window.opener.b2evo_Callbacks != "undefined" ) )
{ // callback in parent document (e.g. "Files" popup)
if( window.opener.b2evo_Callbacks.trigger_callback( "wrap_selection_for_"+myField.id, hook_params ) )
I've got exactly the same problem in Firefox with b2evo version 2.3.0.
I'm in Windows.