2 afwas Oct 31, 2007 19:02

Thanks :)
One question, how do i move a blog? My Personal blog is Blog All.
I don't want to start over... :(
find in ../blogs/conf/_admin.php:
* Cross posting
* Possible values:
* - -1 if you don't want to use categories at all
* - 0 if you want users to post to a single category only
* - 1 if you want to be able to cross-post among multiple categories
* - 2 if you want to be able to cross-post among multiple blogs/categories
* - 3 if you want to be able to change main cat among blogs (which will move the
* posts from one blog to another; use with caution)
* @global int $allow_cross_posting
$allow_cross_posting = 1;
Set it to 3 and move the categories you want to the newly created blog. If you think before you act there is not much that can go wrong.
Good luck
Thanks Afwas! :D
hmm.. i did the $allow_cross_posting = 3;
but when im going to my personal blog and my new blog, the post are still in both blogs.. i've been looking in the administration and i can't find anything that let me move the categories to the new blog.
im desperate :(
yes i know, im a "newbie" but its not lik i didn't tried to.. i just dont understand it sorry :(
Ok i found where i can move categories.. but the problem still there!
I added a new categories to my skateboard blog named "skate" and when i post a new article into the skate categories it still show in both blogs, while my personal blog doesnt have the skate categories..
i dont understand :O
it looks like my Personal blog is still the "All blog" it always show what i post in my skateboard blog.
Is there any way to rollback and remove the All blog? I just want 2 "independant" blogs
The all blog will allways display the posts from the personal blog since the all blog displays every post from every blog.
What you need to do is remove the all blog from the blogroll (menu). You do so in backoffice -> Blog settings -> *All blog* -> Display -> Display public blog list.
Good luck
Hey Afwas!
Ok it work (independant way) but.. there's no link of my 2 blogs on the main blog (personal)
I mean, when i go to my site, there's no link about my SKateboard Blog on my Personal Blog anymore, so the user cant access my Skateboard blog by going thru the Personal Blog (since i remove it from the public list)
I'm still confuse..
Look at it Afwas.
www.zotti.ca (some post are in french but i configured the b2evolution in english for you)
See my post TEST? It show in both blog, zotti.ca and skate.ea blog while i choosed the EA Skate category. (that category is only in my skate.ea blog)
Im very confused.. and im really sorry to keep asking question about that. I just want it to work :(
If i do what you ask me, it will work but i wont have the name skate.ea displaying in my zotti.ca so the user can't access my skate.ea blog by going to www.zotti.ca
I need your help please :( If you would like to register on the website i would give you full access to try to fix it. If you have time only, if not, let me know what to do.
Thanks for your time and great support Afwas!
Hi zotti,
When you go to backoffice -> Blog settings yuo see a row with the blogs that exist. Probably there are four and a button called
I know what you mean Afwas, the blogroll (menu to the left or top that make you choose the blog you want) but it also show all articles in all blogs.. that's where the problem is.
Can you please look up at my zotti.ca and tell me if i did something wrong in the setting?
If you have paypal, i can pay you for that fix sir. Time is money.
Nevermind Afwas, i finally got it! (understand it lol)
Thanks alot for your time!
Hi zotti,
I presume your Personal Blog is not the A blog, but the All blog. The All blog is an aggregate blog that shows each and every post in every blog. You should move your Personal blog to the real A blog or B blog or make an entire new blog.
Good luck