2 stk Nov 03, 2007 03:25

When I hit save it takes me back to the Blog front page but nothing is posted. The preview just shows me the last posts not the new one.
The more I play around the more I realise it's not just images, any HTML tags seem to cause the problem.
Oh by the way I tried FTPing the image and just using IMG tags, but because of the problem with tags in general that didn't work either.
My site is www.barrowaydrove.org I am using B2Evo as the front page for our community website but it looks very drab due to the lack of images. It would be a shame if I had to move to a different system as I like B2Evo but the seduction of a working Wordpress installation I am setting up on the site is hard to resist.
Once again if you can help me it would save me a lot of hassle porting all my posts over to another system and I would be very grateful.
I contacted my hosting provider to see if they could help.
They fixed the problem for me by disabling mod_security via .htaccess I have enclosed it below for anyone else suffering a similar problem.
<IfModule mod_security.c>
SecFilterEngine Off
SecFilterScanPOST Off
If anyone else has this problem see if your hosting provider can help you.
This seems like a v.unusual problem. What happens when you insert an image? SAVE-> "nothing"?
A link to your blog would help, but more importantly, I'd have to see the behavior. (We don't use the file-manager ... FTP up an image ... insert <img src alt title /> BOOM! ... an image on yer post.
Maybe an install issue?