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1 Oct 31, 2007 23:56    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

When I click on a category I get these errors:

Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #2 is not an array in /home/********/public_html/blog/inc/_core/_template.funcs.php on line 74

Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #2 is not an array in /home/********/public_html/blog/inc/items/model/_itemlistlight.class.php on line 877

and the all too familiar SQL warning: An unexpected error has occured!

Anyone with an idea?

2 Nov 01, 2007 00:05

So, what was your last "fiddle" to code, as your categories were ok a day or so ago!

3 Nov 01, 2007 01:20

Hi John,

Thanks for watching after me B)
I uploaded all files again. The only thing I did last week was just an hour ago playing with the blog by email feature.
Still the problem persits. Only the All category (index.php?blog=x) works. If index.php?blog=x&cat=y then the error appears.

Weird, especially if it worked yesterday.

I changed the settings for the testlab blog: no success
I checked the database: Categories intact

4 Nov 01, 2007 04:56

This is a bug that's reported [url=]here[/url].
Developers are working on it. the patch should do the trick (is in csv version already) but doesn't work on my blog. Hence I am running good old php 4.4.7 at the moment.
We wonder why my blog is affected and the demo blog with essential the same hardware (php 5.2.4) is not.


Switched back to 5.2.4 so you can enjoy the errors. :roll:

5 Nov 01, 2007 17:06

I disabled E_WARNING to get rid of the errors I mentioned before, but I still have an SQL error on the Categories. This is the error:

Additional information about this error:
Output format [] not supported.

and this is the sql from the Categories:

-- Tabel structuur voor tabel `evo_categories`

CREATE TABLE `evo_categories` (
  `cat_ID` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `cat_parent_ID` int(11) unsigned default NULL,
  `cat_name` tinytext NOT NULL,
  `cat_blog_ID` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '2',
  `cat_description` varchar(250) default NULL,
  `cat_longdesc` text,
  `cat_icon` varchar(30) default NULL,
  `cat_urlname` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`cat_ID`),
  UNIQUE KEY `cat_urlname` (`cat_urlname`),
  KEY `cat_blog_ID` (`cat_blog_ID`),
  KEY `cat_parent_ID` (`cat_parent_ID`)

-- Gegevens worden uitgevoerd voor tabel `evo_categories`

INSERT INTO `evo_categories` VALUES(1, NULL, 'Algemeen', 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'c1');
INSERT INTO `evo_categories` VALUES(2, NULL, 'Nieuws', 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'c2');
INSERT INTO `evo_categories` VALUES(3, NULL, 'Achtergrond', 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'c3');
INSERT INTO `evo_categories` VALUES(25, NULL, 'Images', 7, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'c25');
INSERT INTO `evo_categories` VALUES(24, NULL, 'Test', 6, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'c24');
INSERT INTO `evo_categories` VALUES(22, NULL, 'Wiki', 5, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'c22');
INSERT INTO `evo_categories` VALUES(23, NULL, 'Announcement', 6, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'c23');
INSERT INTO `evo_categories` VALUES(19, NULL, 'Politiek', 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'c19');
INSERT INTO `evo_categories` VALUES(18, NULL, 'Bridge', 4, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'c18');
INSERT INTO `evo_categories` VALUES(17, NULL, 'Algemeen', 4, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'c17');
INSERT INTO `evo_categories` VALUES(12, NULL, 'b2evolution', 4, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'c12');
INSERT INTO `evo_categories` VALUES(13, NULL, 'contributors', 4, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'c13');
INSERT INTO `evo_categories` VALUES(14, NULL, 'Films', 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'c14');
INSERT INTO `evo_categories` VALUES(15, NULL, 'Boeken', 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'c15');
INSERT INTO `evo_categories` VALUES(16, NULL, 'Bridge', 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'c16');
INSERT INTO `evo_categories` VALUES(26, 25, 'GIMP', 7, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'c26');
INSERT INTO `evo_categories` VALUES(27, NULL, 'Main category', 8, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'main');
INSERT INTO `evo_categories` VALUES(28, NULL, 'Chessboard render', 8, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'chessboard');
INSERT INTO `evo_categories` VALUES(29, NULL, 'Main category', 9, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'main-1');
INSERT INTO `evo_categories` VALUES(30, NULL, 'Main category', 10, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'main-2');
INSERT INTO `evo_categories` VALUES(31, NULL, 'Foto''s', 10, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'foto');
INSERT INTO `evo_categories` VALUES(32, NULL, 'Gallery', 10, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'gallery');

Any ideas appreciated.

6 Nov 12, 2007 00:29

After debugging this on IRC, we've found that the am_custom_plugin is the cause.

It calls request_title, but with the old API:
request_title( " - ", "", " - ", "htmlhead" )
(in am_custom_plugin/_am_custom.plugin.php on line 152)

This should get changed to:

request_title( array(
	'title_before' => ' - ',
	'glue' => ' - ',
	'format' => 'htmlhead',
) );

for b2evo 2.x.

Something like:
if( version_compare($app_version, '2.0-dev', '>=') )
// post-2.0 code here
// pre-2.0 code here

7 Nov 12, 2007 00:34

Thanks blueyed,

nice job

8 Nov 12, 2007 13:32

Nice bit of debugging ;)

As it happens the 2.x version of the plugin doesn't use that at all for the title ( probably why I've not had a problem with my categories :p ), but it's still got some flaws to sort so I've not updated the zip.


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