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1 Nov 02, 2007 13:09    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

Hi there,

I asked my web hoster, if I can update b2evolution from 0.9.1 to the latest version. They told me to ask here for support.

Here is what I did:
- I installed b2evolution by using the confixx administration system.
- I waited untill all files were copied
- I created a new subdomain for the blog

and it worked.

There is a new folder "b2evolution" which I can delete, add files etc.

Now, is it possible to just copy and overwrite the latest version? Or do I have to delete the old one? Are my blog entries lost then?

Or do I need root access to the server? I mean is there any servet installed to which I might have no access?

Thanks, Jan

2 Nov 03, 2007 12:51

Hi Jan,

Usually if you do an upgrade you delete the files present and upload the new files in the folder. You don't really need to. You just run install (../blogs/install/imdex.php) on your new blog and point to the existing database. That way the database will be updated and you will still have your posts. The updated database will not be usable in 0.9 anymore. So for more than one reason it is advisable to make a backup of the database first.

If you have any subsequent questions, don't hesitate to ask. Some more ifo is at the [url=]manual[/url].

Good luck

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