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1 Nov 08, 2007 23:34    

My b2evolution Version: 1.10.x

I just set-up my b2evolution acount this morning....
If I go to Zazzle, or Amazon, and I generate one of their links on the website - is there no way to post it into the b2evolution blog?

I set a new website to basically help promote my original designs on zazzle ... and zazzle creates the link for me.
If I have to use the b2evolution interface this will take me forever..

I did hit "advanced" ... and I tried the xhtml button...
but nothing is working.
I got error messages when I hit "preview".

Is there a way to post straight html code on to my blog ?

Thank you for your help with this.

2 Nov 09, 2007 04:41

Sometimes Amazon gives you extra "style" stuff that b2evo just doesn't like. Amazon also gives you a blank IMG picture which is just extra. As long as your URL Link has the references, you can delete everything else.

What I found best is to just paste the <a href link> without anything extra.


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