Recent Topics

1 Nov 09, 2007 16:18    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

Today we upgrade from the 2.0.1 alpha to 2.1.0 beta.

And all our topics (permanent_link #title#) are not displaying titles... Looking deeper in the code under _itemlight.class.php for the permanent_link function changes from alpha to beta is the array structure. I just simple took the 2.0.1 file and replaced it and it seems to work properly as for displaying the title again instead of a big Permalink. If someone could shed some light on this please do.


2 Nov 09, 2007 17:27

Have you tried any of the skins that come with 2.1.0? Probably the new (and final) skin structure broke your existing skin.

Good luck

3 Nov 11, 2007 03:44

In your index.main.php, you could try replacing

<h2 class="bTitle"><?php $Item->title(); ?></h2>


<h2 class="bTitle"><?php 	$Item->permanent_link( array(
					'text' => '#title#',
				) ); ?></h2>

4 Nov 11, 2007 14:39

Many skin codes in 2.1.0-beta have changed since 2.0.x-alpha.

You really have to go through your skin and compare it with the built-in evopress skin.

Many of the old stuff will not work anymore, which I call 1-ish. The 2-ish stuff in beta is more likely than not, the one we'll have to use starting from beta. :)

Hope that helps!

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