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1 Nov 15, 2007 16:30    

My b2evolution Version: 1.10.x

The pre version 7 IE keeps giving errors because of some of my widgets and occassionally because of multimedia posts. I'm sick of having to try to find a way to make IE happy so I'd rather it just default to a basic theme.

Is there a way to do this within the css file or someplace else?

2 Nov 16, 2007 01:24

What are the problems that you have with ie < 7 ?


3 Nov 16, 2007 01:45

It gives an ILLEGAL OPERATION and won't open my site at all. I never use IE except if I am on a public computer so I never know when I've changed something that is not working with IE.

4 Nov 16, 2007 10:56

The best solution is to cure whatever throws the error in IE 6 ;)

You could use [url=]conditional statements[/url] to redirect IE6 to another skin ... not sure how successful that one would be.

You should also be able to detect if the browser is IE6 on the server-side and just switch skins .... I've never bothered trying that either, so I don't now how successful that would be either.


5 Nov 16, 2007 19:58

Yes and I usually try to but I don't always have time to do that and instead of my site being inaccessible I switch to a different skin to see if it helps.

Right now my Amazon widget is not valid and I'm not sure how to fix it.

I just need a way to keep my site accessible until I have time to figure out what's making IE balk. other than it just being a piece of crap browser LOL

Server side as in my control panel, exclusive of my b2 install or somewhere in the b2 admin?

6 Nov 16, 2007 20:05

Believe me when I say that IE6 gives me a daily reason to go "WTF? does it REALLY do that?" ( today was the fact that it doesn't understand that grey == gray! )

By server-side I mean you could probably add something to conf/hacks.php that does a swift browser check and if it's ie6 just sets $skin = 'summat a mentally challenged amoeba could understand' .... there may or may not be something in $Hit that can do this for you, I've never had a need to check.


7 Nov 16, 2007 20:07

Okay thanks! I will see if I can figure something out. I ran through the HTML validator last night and cleaned up some stuff but it's still not working.

8 Dec 25, 2007 19:55

Okay I can't figure out where to place this conditional statement and exactly what it needs to be. I got this far with the code but it's obviously incomplete and which file does it go into and where?? I just want them to see the basic skin.

<script language="JavaScript">

var browser = "";

//detecting IE
if (navigator.appName =="Microsoft Internet Explorer" && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera") < 0){browser = "IE"}


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