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1 Dec 02, 2007 04:15    

My b2evolution Version: 1.10.x

Im trying to learn how to display the last 3 or 4 posts on my homepage and have gotten an error.

It says

Fatal error: Call to undefined function blog_list_start() in /home/sedifusc/public_html/stickcricket/blog/testblog.php on line 57

and line 57 is:

  for( $blog=blog_list_start('stub'); $blog!=false; $blog=blog_list_next('stub') )

Like the instructions about summary.php.

Can anyone help me with this problem? :(

2 Dec 08, 2007 13:22

Got a link where we can see this? Is your home page part of your b2evolution installation? What I mean is if you have b2evolution at and you want part of it at you're going to have to work extra-hard to get there. Actually maybe it's easy, but I personally have no experience with it ... and it sounds hard. ;)

3 Dec 15, 2007 23:36

Don't worry now.
I made a skin out of my homepage to use instead. I was to use summary.php to display it somehow but it's no problem now.

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