2 giast Dec 05, 2007 11:20

Did you create the database manually? There should be a database to import the sql into.
Please report back to this topic.
Good luck
Maybe maybe not this will help?
My host has two different ways for me to get a copy of my database on my computer. If I use cpanel's "backup" utility I get a database_name.sql.gz file. If I use phpmyadmin to 'export' everything I get a database_name.sql file.
The first one (.sql.gz file) is really easy to upload via the "backup" utility, but gives me no opportunity to either pick and choose or customize what I restore.
The second method (.sql file) I can only use by opening it in a text editor and copy/pasting it to the "SQL" feature inside phpmyadmin. I've never tried the "import database" feature, so it's never let me down ;) If you have never tried copy/pasting from a text editor you might want to :) (hint: big databases suck because the file size is HUGE so I open the file in a text editor and select one table's worth of stuff at a time for copy/pasting.
On your new host, make the DB and add a user named "b2evo" (though, if I remember, importing a DB is "user independent")
Curious to see how you get on with this.
anyone can help me? 8|