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1 Dec 02, 2007 18:27    

My b2evolution Version: 1.10.x

My friend was trying to comment a blog entry with an image using the following:

<#img src=>

(only not commented of course) and it just returns the error:

Parser error: > required near <!-- euro sign, U+20AC NEW --> ]

I don't see any settings that it looks like I need to turn on and this is valid html, so what gives? Am I missing something here?

2 Dec 02, 2007 18:37

Try ../conf/_formattng.php. There you find

$comments_allow_css_tweaks = false;

Set it to true. If it still doesn't like images, you must add it to:

$comments_allowed_tags += array

somewhere around line 574 depending on the version. You can add:

'img' => A_attrs.' src alt name longdesc height width usemap ismap align border hspace vspace',	
// Transitional

I haven't tested it. That's your job, >:-< Please let us know if it worked.

Good luck

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