2 edb Dec 09, 2007 12:26
Hi EdB
Thanks for your reply.
Okey, the thing is, I am good at HTML, but not good at PHP, and these days I find it difficult to find the time to learn :-/
You want a link to my blog - okey, but I am not sure that you reconize B2evo 8| (ofcause you can !)
Everything is in Danish, and you will find B2Evo camuflaged as a E-news paper B)
Down at the bottom, the collum to the left, I have a latest comments summary, and I would like the links to point to the new comment, instead of just the post.
Is it possible ?
The link is: www.skagensavis.dk
Try changing this line :
<?php $Comment->Item->permanent_link('#title#') ?>
to this :
<?php $Comment->permanent_link( $Comment->Item->title, '#', 'permalink_right' ); ?>
So absolutely perfect !
Works perfect - thanks.
Got Link?
The thing is, the file you showed doesn't make post titles. It is *possible* to make post titles link to the comments, and possible to make the post title link to the "add a comment form", but you would have to edit _main.php to do it. Also, you would have to ask yourself if you want the title to link to the comments or comment form on multi-post pages, single post pages, or both.
A link to your blog will help!