2 afwas Jan 07, 2008 14:45

Weird, it is not working for me. The option under text renderers for the youtube plugin is grayed out, uncheckable. When I use the video option for youtube, it just displays the [/youtube] tag in the post.
I'm using the latest release: 2.3.0-rc1
Is the finch next to the Video Plugin checked 'on' ?
I have currently no blog with the Youtube installed. You may check the demoblog. If there is a blue :?: next to the YouTube plugin in the sidebar, click it for more information.
The checkbox being grayed out does not mean the plugin does not work. This is normal behaviour.
Good luck
Seems to be working ok now, thanks much!
Hi Koronin,
The [url=http://manual.b2evolution.net/Plugins/youtube_plugin]YouTube plugin[/url] is updated. You can also use the video plugin that comes with 2.x.
Good luck