2 john Jan 07, 2008 04:23

John - thank you very much for prompt response. I've tried that button, but receive this message: The blog's media directory «media/blogs/noticeboard/» could not be created, because the parent directory is not writable or does not exist.
You don't have access to any root directory.
If you have any idea where I might "go" within b2 to click or unclick a box, I would be grateful. How do I determine which version we have??
If you want to just post a link to your blog and we will take it from there
Yeah GE please give us a peek. We figure stuff out by peeking a heck of a lot quicker than we can figure it out by asking.
But hey the "red text" thing is easy to fix, but you have to know a little bit about file permissions. http://manual.b2evolution.net/Directory_and_file_permissions#How_do_I_change_file_permissions.3F talks about what you need to do. The really important bit is where it tells you to change /blogs/media/blogs (Base directory for blogs) to 777.
It'll work sooner or later. It always does ;)
We don't use it as a blog as such, just as a noticeboard. As stated, I'm new at this and with some hesitation here's a link to the website: http://www.qcg.org.au/b2evolution/noticeboardframeset.htm - hope this helps.
Cool yeah it helps. V1.9.1 in a frame. BOTH of these details do not cause your issue, but I tell ya you really should upgrade to 1.10.3 because it's the rock-solid end of the line for the 1.* generation.
It's the CHMOD or permissions thing you need to work through to make uploading files happen.
Oh and welcome to the forums! We try to help yah? And we try to be kind. Even me! I found your version by looking at your source code, but you can find it by scrolling to the bottom of any of the "back office" pages. The ones you get to from your 'admin' link.
I'm impressed and thank you for being so kind! Is upgrading easyy?? I'll pass that chore to someone else, but any advice welcomed.
Thanks for welcoming me to the forum. I've learned a lot in a short time! :D
Upgrading is the easiest thing you will ever pull your hair out trying to accomplish.
Tell ya what: you get to where you can upload files and put 'em in posts, then check out http://manual.b2evolution.net/Upgrade_from_an_older_version and give it some thought. Then when you're ready to try it let us know (with a new thread yah?) and someone here will help.
The only thing we ask is for a nice title and well-formed questions. We love to see links because we cheat and play with your installation, but if your questions shows you've done some homework and can't get it done then we're all about trying to help.
At the foot of the posting screen is a button called [Files]
If you click that it will bring up a media upload screen.
Simply search for your image, select the media directory and hit upload.
It will also give you a prepared block of code to paste straigt into you post.
Without a version number for your B2, I can't be much more specific.