2 fatman Jan 08, 2008 18:51

Seems like some of your files are missed or corrupted.
Can you delete /htsrv directory and upload it again. And what exactly did you change in config?
sam2kb wrote:
Seems like some of your files are missed or corrupted.
Can you delete /htsrv directory and upload it again. And what exactly did you change in config?
I already re-uploaded/installed like 4 times, no difference. In the /conf/_advanced.php file I uncommented the memory line:
// Most of the time you'll want to see all errors, including notices:
// b2evo should run notice free! (plugins too!)
error_reporting( E_ALL );
// To help debugging severe errors, you'll probably want PHP to display the errors on screen.
// In this case, uncomment the following line:
// ini_set( 'display_errors', 'on' );
// If you get blank pages, PHP may be crashing because it doesn't have enough memory.
// The default is 8 MB (in PHP < 5.2) and 128 MB (in PHP > 5.2)
// Try uncommmenting the following line:
ini_set( 'memory_limit', '32M' );
That's all I did. I've submitted a ticket with my host and they've been trying to figure it out all day - I can tell because I keep getting the comment emails everytime they try it..hehe
i'm starting to look for yet another blog template/software...
Try this post and see if it helps [url=http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=13798]constant redirect in IIS[/url]
no help?
I've spent 4 days trying to get some crappy blog template/software running on my site and none of them seem to work right. I'm so frustrated I'm ready to delete the whole thing.