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1 Jan 13, 2008 21:36    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

Am I the only one experiencing this? I enabled them on the plugin settings page, and I see them above the comment textarea, and they render if you type the correct bits in, but clicking on them does nothing. I tried it in both FF and IE using my real blargh and my WAMP setup (which has only very tiny little core modifications).


5 Jan 13, 2008 23:51

Okay I solved it on my WAMP-blog in both FF and IE. I sort of forgot that I commented out two lines in my file:

require_js( 'functions.js' );
require_js( 'rollovers.js' );

The first is where b2evo_Callbacks gets defined, so if I want to allow smilies in comments I have to uncomment those lines. I took them out of that file because I'm not a fan of javascripts that didn't add value. Like, why bother sending them down the pipe if they're not needed right? So now they're needed, so now I'll uncomment those lines in my actual online blog.

And make a "quicktags for comments" plugin :)

6 Jan 14, 2008 00:20

If I remember well you asked in a previous post what these javaScript files were for. Now you know. :>

7 Jan 14, 2008 00:38

To make quicktags for comments just add DisplayCommentToolbar() and then use your existing code for the rest ;)


8 Jan 14, 2008 01:03

Where I'm at, and what's working is DEL, STR, EMP, BLOCK, LINK and X. Problem with link is that the blog owner will have to edit a conf file to make it actually work.

I wish I could find a way to use php inside the javascript so I could use settings to let the blog admin decide if LINK is going to be there. Or maybe chunk through the $comments_allowed_tags array? Either way, I couldn't do php logical stuff inside javascript so that's life.

9 Jan 14, 2008 01:06

Afwas wrote:

If I remember well you asked in a previous post what these javaScript files were for. Now you know. :>

Yup! The rollover guy is for the evobar - another commented-out bit for me ;)

10 Jan 14, 2008 01:08

if( $link_allowed )
{ // change the above to summat that works ;)
  echo '<script type="text/javascript">window.alert( 'link allowed' );</script>';



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