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1 Jan 14, 2008 12:07    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

Hi Folks,
Firstly may I say hello to the B2evo forums, as I'm a newB!

The version I'm running (and trying to get my head around) is

The problem I'm having is that I get the above error if I try to install and run skins ( midnight-2 and wheelz blue I'm most intereted in). I'm only getting the problem this downloaded skins and not the preinstalled ones.

Can anyone help with this in very simple terms that a PHP dunce might understand?



2 Jan 14, 2008 12:14

Hi Jon
I think your problem is your old version of b2.

The skins you mention are designed for the 1.10.3 version of b2 .

0.9 versions are old, very insecure and every dog and his or her cat will advise you to upgrade.....
and your new skins will work... a bonus

3 Jan 14, 2008 22:04

Updated! Works fine now thanks John.

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